The Changing Room

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The room was small; a wooden chair was in the middle and a door to the bathroom on the right side.

Sitka opened the door and let his younger brothers pass first, Kenai ahead and Denahi behind him. Once the three enter, Sitka closed the door and saw his brother. Kenai sure looked a little worried, while Denahi was smiling.

Kenai turned to face them as Denahi was now standing beside Sitka.

"How can both of you accept this?" Kenai asked.

"You must do it," Sitka said and sighed as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"You never told me about this," Kenai replied. "How you expect me to walk around in that!" he pointed at the pink speedo Denahi was holding; his brother just laughed like a crazy man.

"Oh, you will, little brother," Denahi smirked with an evil smile on his face.

Sitka hit him on the head, but that didn't stop Denahi from laughing.

"Is not as bad as it sounds Kenai both Denahi and I went through it."

"Really?" Kenai looked shocked at Denahi, ready to lose his grip, and laugh out loud at the idea of his brother in a pink speedo.

"Yeah, but we kept our clothes on," Denahi said victoriously, then scrubbed the tiny underwear in Kenai's face. "You're the first one to pass it in this"

"That's enough," Sitka said and tried to separate them.

Denahi went along with it; he felt satisfied this time his little brother will have nowhere to run.

"Go change Kenai," Sitka ordered him as he pointed at the bathroom.

Kenai opened his mouth.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes!" Sitka replied, then he looked at Denahi, "make sure he does it."

"With pleasure!" Denahi said happily.

Kenai shallowed as Denahi walked to him and grabbed him from one arm; Kenai didn't oppose the last thing he wanted was to make Sitka mad. Denahi dragged him to the bathroom and then closed the door; he pushed Kenai into the shower.

"Now what?" Kenai asks in confusion.

"Undress and put this on," his brother replied as he tossed the speedo, which landed on Kenai's head Denahi laughed out loud in his brother's face.

Kenai's face blushed; he took off his shirt and pants and waited for his brother to turn around to wear the pink speedo.

"Do you mind?"

"Oh," Denahi turned around.

Kenai was about to take his boxers off when he noticed Denahi was still watching over his shoulder.


Denahi just laughed

"Υοu're no fun!" he said and turned away to face the wall.

To be sure, Kenai closed the curtain as Denahi laughed, quickly changing in his pink speedo.

"Finish," he announced as he opened the curtain.

Denahi saw his little brother and smiled; Kenai rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"You're so cute."

He approached him and pinched his cheek.

"How's a good baby brother? How's a good baby brother" Denahi kept teasing.

Sitka opened the bathroom door.

"We don't have time for this, Kenai out; a friend will take you to the main room, Denahi and I will take care of your clothes."

"What are you going to do with them?" Kenai asked as Demahi released his cheeks.

"We will burn them" Denahi anserwed.

Kenai looked at him with his eyes wide open.

"My favorite sweatshirt is there."

"It's a shame."

Kenai looked at Sitka.

"Tell me he's joking."

"You know him."

Kenai sighed in relief.

Sitka picked up Kenai's jeans and sweatshirt while Denahi was carrying his shirt and boxers.

"So, you're not going to be in my ceremony."

"Oh, I will be there," Denahi said. "As soon as I tose this," he referred to Kenai's clothes.

Kenai looked at Sitka.

"Please take care of them" the moment that was over, he wanted to get fully dressed again.

"I will," his brother reassured.

Kenai took a deep breath; it was time. Sitka rubbed his back calmly; Kenai looked at him and smiled.

Tug opened the door and walked in.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we need the new one."

Kenai looked anxious around and realized that he was the one.

"Who else is in a speedo, baby brother?" Denahi pointed as if Kenai was stupid. "Oh, and I think you forget something," he added with a look at Kenai's socks and tennis. "No pants, no shoes, no shocks, no shirt"

"Noooo," Kenai said with terror, "Can't we make an exception?"

"NOPE," Denahi roared.

Kenai looked at Sitka.

"Can you help me?"

"No, you have to do this yourself."

"But... I also have to go barefoot?" he pointed at his naked body. "Isn't this humiliating enough?"

Then he looked at Denahi, pleading with his hands:

"Denahi? just this one."

"I think you look cute in those undies."

"Thanks, Denahi," Kenai answered sarcastically.

"Just took them off Kenai the sooner it starts it ends," Sitka added.

"I know..."

Kenai sits down on the chair; he took off his shoes and socks; the speedo was his only piece of clothing.

To say he was embarrassed was an understatement; there he was wearing those humiliating clothes, surrounded by his two older brothers and a stranger.

And to think seven more boys were waiting for him.

"Okay, time for me to take him" Tug walked to the chair.

"Be easy on him," Sitka said.

"No worries, I'll make sure the other boys don't go too hard on him."


"I will join you in no time." Denahi "Frist seats."

Tug took Kenai's hand.

"Come along, friend."

Kenai was scared, to say the least, but Tug helped him to get on his feet, then he placed himself behind Kenai and grabbed him from his shoulders.

"Well, we better get going; we don't want to leave Atka waiting."

And they left the room.

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