The Exam

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"Okay, that's enough for here, Denahi, escort your brother to the room, the third trial must begin" Atka demanded.

"Right away" Denahi replied as he grabbed Kenai's arm, dragging him out of the room.

As Kenai passed, everyone either laughed or cheered at him.

"Hey, where are we going now?" he asked once they were out.

"Oh, you'll see"

They walked around the hallways, luckily for Kenai nobody else was there, he didn't want anyone else seeing in that state.

"Where's Sitka?" Kenai asked

"He will come later"

Finally, they stopped at a door; Denahi opened it revealing a bathroom.

"Another bath?"

"Not quite so"

Kenai looked confused around, inside the shower was a table with a plate with ice over it.

"Why do you want to the ice?"

"Those are for you"

At that moment, Atka and his friends arrived.

"Ready for the next round?" Atka questioned.

"No" Kenai admitted.

"Yes, you are," Denahi said as he tossed him into the shower.

Kenai turned around to face his brother, but Denahi entered too, grabbing the bucket and settling himself behind his younger brother.

"Is time for the exam!" Atka declared. "We'll ask you some questions if your answer is wrong, Denahi will put ice inside your speedo"

Kenai gulped.

"Okay, the first question" Atka proclaimed.

Kenai inhaled, all he had to do was answer correctly, then he'll be safe.

"First question, what is my favorite Disney movie?" Denahi asked.

Kenai didn't know how to answer, as far as he remembered, his brother didn't even like Disney.

"Eh... Frozen?"

"Frozen?" Denahi questioned.

"It was the only one that came to mind" Kenai shrugged.

"Well, someone is going to be frozen tonight"

Kenai didn't have the time to react; Denahi, once again, stretched his speedo out and stuffed in some ice.


"Who's feeling frozen now?" Denahi taunted.


Denahi chuckled.

Kenai was about to protest, but the cold started to fill his entire body making him shake.

"D...D...D... Denahi..."

"After all, we did see you dance more" Denahi ridiculed.

"It's...s...s...s...s... s... c... c... cold" Kenai's legs were shaking like jelly.

"Then you better answer the next question correctly" Atka warned "Where's Sitka?"

"Ι... don't... kn... ow!" Kenai answered feeling angry, how the hell was he supposed to know that? The last time he saw his brother was when he changed into that horrible outfit.

"Too bad, Denahi, do your thing" Atka demanded.

Once again, Denahi loaded Kenai's speedo with ice.

"Νο...! is... isn't f...air!" Kenai cried.

"Relax, four years ago I went through the same" Denahi spoke.

"Ok... but... re... ally... where... is... s...s... s... Sitka?" Kenai asked.

"He didn't want to see the show" Denahi replied.

"O... ok," Kenai said sadly, as humiliating as it would be to have Sitka witnessing his trials, he still wished he was there, his big brother always had that effect on him, that no matter how bad things were, his presence reassured him and made him feel safe.

With more ice in his undies, Kenai's temperature was coming down.

"Next question!" Denahi said and Kenai nodded with the head, he was done with the cold "Who's your favorite brother?"

A big 'Oh' was heard from the crowd.

"Y... You really... wanna... K...know?"


Kenai was between saying the truth, or what Denahi wanted to hear, he didn't desire more ice on his speedo, but neither wanted to lie.

"Sitk... nahi"

"What?" everyone asked.

"Denahi! Denahi!" Kenai answered.

"Oh... How sweet" Denahi replied.

Kenai faked a smile, but Denahi put ice in his speedo.

"HEY," KenaiI'mied.

"We both know you're lying"

"I.. Wasnt"

"Yeah, you were"

"I... Didn't"

"Stop it, and even though I should feel hurt, I'm not, because I can do this"

Once again Denahi stretched the speedo out, but now from the front side and stuffed all the ice that was left.


"Enjoy it, baby brother"

Everyone laughed at him, the bucket was empty, all the ice was now inside Kenai's speedo. He felt so bad, it was worse than the fish. However, Atka noticed something, some of the ice had melted, sweating the speedo.

"I believe Kenai has won some time-out," Atka said "Everyone, clean the room, Kenai, we need you to take off the speedo, give it to Denahi to dry it, you can rest while your clothes are ready."

At Atka's command, everybody left the room except Kenai and Denahi.

"Ok give me your speedo"

With much effort due to his shaking, Kenai slowly took off his speedo, all the ice that was left and the water fell to the ground.

"J... Just take it" he said as he offered it to Denahi.

Denahi grabbed the speedo as Kenai covered his genitals, he was still shaking for the cold.

"Wait here, I'll be back with your friend," he said before leaving the room.

Kenai sighed while waiting; Denahi took a last look at him and laughed.

"You look like a popsicle"

"Shut up"

Denali laughed and left the room.

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