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A feeling of despair just always seemed to wash over you as you walked the streets of mousedom. You felt terrified even though you were never one to be scared by a simple feeling.
You held your fur coat closer to your body as you walked the streets of Mousedom, you could help but look at all the furry face you passed by. ,

' 'Cuse me miss-? ' a small voice could be heard below you, as you looked down with a brow raised and a head tilt you couldn't help but lower your body down to be at eye level of the small girl.
' Yes sweetheart? What seems to be the issue are you lost? '
Your paw raised up a bit to keep your hood covering over your face your ears causing the hood to shift ever so slightly.

' Well- I am not lost daddy is lost you see I am trying to find a mister Basil of Baker street. He can help me find my daddy. ' the little girl seemed to have hope in her eyes for only a brief moment before it turned to sorrow as she slowly held out be newspaper segment that held The world's greatest detective.

Basil of Baker street.

Straightening yourself out you reach a hand down before you smiled brightly.
' I know where Baker street is- I can help you get to this Basil fellow and hopefully no ! Definitely get you to your father. '
Scooping the little girl up you let out a happy little hum and began leading the girl off to Baker street.

Making your way there you knocked on the door of Baker street as the rain began to fall. Your knocks grew louder before you look to a lovely older woman who gave you a confused look until she noticed the little girl in your arms.
' Oh dear you both must be chilled come in come in, I assume you're looking for Basil? ' she collected Olivia flavarsham into her arms and settled her to the chair before she collected the hat and and scarf Olivia wore.

' Yes you see her father is missing, and well I had knew where Baker street was and I had to help her. '
The older woman smiled as she settled the clothing by the fireplace and began to prepare some tea from the next door room.
' What is your name sweeties. '

The little girl piped up as she happily kicked her feet.
' Olivia , Olivia flavarsham. ' her small head turned to you as her ears flickered back in delight.
' What is your name miss! '
You head slowly lifted as you removed your white gloves and mumbled quietly.

' Y/n. . .Brenner. '

Ms Judson stared at the tray of tea in her before she nearly dropped it in excitement.
' YOU'RE THE QUEENS DAUGHTER-!? ' pushing back her night cap she gave Olivia a small tea cup of apple juice, before she gave you a fresh cup of green tea with lemon on the lid of the glass.

' SHH-!! Please ma'am I rather you not shout about me please, I'm trying to stay low you know. I rather not have the guards and other mice find out. ' you took the tea in your paws before you took a small sip and listened to the door suddenly open with a slam.
You look to a wider little mouse and a taller mouse.
Basil and Dawson.

You and Basil look a each other for a few silent moment.

' Basil- ? '

' Her Majesty-? '

A queen with two choicesWhere stories live. Discover now