page 3

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‘ FIDGET—! ! ’

Ratigan screamed at the top of his lungs as he slowly dragged his feet through the streets. Rubbing his eyes he looked to his fidgeting bat that slowly waddled his way over.

‘ You said you knew where the address was, we have been walking nearly and hour! ’ stepping towards his peg legged back he raised the babbling creature up, not really caring for what he had to say now.

‘ Ah-Ack—! I do boss look we are right here! ’

Fidget quickly pointed to the door stating it was 221 Baker street, home of the great mouse detective Basil. Ratigan did not look amused he furrowed his brows and did all he could to suppress his rage, taking a deep breath in he gave a sharp smile.

‘ Fidget dear fellow. . .this is the detective's home not of the residents of the queen's DAUGHTER! ’

as his voice rage Ratigan swore he heard something inside. Some sort of movement like a shift of furniture.

‘Shh— ’

You shifted ever so slightly in Basil's chair to get more comfortable as you tried to continue your rest, but your ears flickered up in confusion as you listened to some yelling right outside the door. You go to reach for your fur coat but realized it was still soaked from earlier that day; so with no choice you grabbed one of Ms. Judson's pillows and held it to your chest as you had only kept on Judson's nightgown she had let you borrowed and well it is just a bit bigger.

‘ Hello —? ’

you called out as you turn on a small lantern by the door before peaking your head out the door ever so slightly, not seeing anyone infront you quietly stepped forward and wonder if it was another case.

‘ Oh dear, if you need some help detective Basil will be back shortly you can come inside if you'd like! ’ as you finished your sentence your eyes suddenly met the chest of a large mouse. . .no not mouse. . . Rat. Stepping back ever so slightly you looked and gave a shakey smile, as your paws went up in a bit of defense.

‘ Now . .now I do not want any trouble m-mister Ratigan. ’ damnit why had your voice given up on you. You stared at the familiar rat, not only has he tormented your mother but he also tried to kill her. And it wouldn't come as a surprise but he was the only rat you knew. As you slowly pushed your feet back you had become unaware of the bat coming from behind you, he must've slipped by when you stared to Ratigan in fear.

As Fidget made his way around you he uncorked a small green bottle before he landed onto your shoulders and yanked your head back, causing you to let out a small cry and scream as the bottles containment was poured down your throat. Knocking the bat off your shoulders by smashing his head into the lantern you let out a small hiccup before you stumbled right into the door. Whatever was in the bottle worked quickly, it has a purpose for a reason.

Slowly stumbling back in tears you landed right into Ratigans broad chest before knocking out cold. Hiccup's still passing through your lips.

‘My she is a rather light mouse, how did her mother become so plump? ’

rolling his eyes he carefully slung you over his shoulder his hand resting just below your back as he supportes your smaller frame.

‘ Fidget you delightful little thing you have done so well today maybe you won't die by my claws. But if I ever catch you near here or touching her while I'm not around or you're not ordered to I'll make sure you're cooked before Felicia dines. ’ his eyes softened as he watched Fidget nod his head aggressively in agreement.

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