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You and Basil stared at each other before you step forward and threw your arms around him. His hands wrapped around your waist as he pulled you close to his chest as a few tears trickle down your fur. It has been years since you've seen each other.
You both have separated due to your mother being very sick and she had needed better health care than Mousedom could provide.
' Y/N it's so good to see you, this is my partner and friend Dawson. Doctor this is Y/N she is my best friend when we were little mice, what have you been doing Y/N? '
Your eyes soften as your tail wrapped around your hand in embarrassment.

' Well Basil I do a bit of writing until I become queen like my mother. Writing seems to distract me long enough so I do not have to worry about my duty. '
Your hand waved in dismay as your stared to Olivia who looked excited at the fact of being near the soon to be queen. She quickly ran to your legs and looked up happily.

' You're just like a princess-! '

You softly patted her head before shaking your own. You were no princess you were just a unprepared mouse.
' I wish sweet- AH BASIL! She needs your help you see her father is missing and she needs your help. '

you quickly gave a small push to Olivia's back so she can talk with the detective. You stare to the window as you make your way to the kitchen, your nose twitching in delightful smell of the cheese biscuits.
You paw reached to a small little tray and collected a biscuit taking a bite. Your eyes wonder around for a few silent moments before you suddenly caught a bat in the window as thunder struck. Letting out a scream you suddenly began choking on the biscuit, Dawson quickly ran behind you and began clearing your airwaves. Suddenly you spat out the biscuit before your screamed

' BAT-! '

you listened to to a small grunt outside before you watched Basil and Dawson run outside. You scoop Olivia into your arms and hide her away behind a couch with you in your arms. You watched Basil re enter with Dawson a smiled on his lips as he began speaking in private with Dawson.
' He is back and now we truly put him in jail, oh dear Y/N are you alright? Doctor told me you choked on a biscuit. '

you rubbed your throat in a bit of irritation before nodding your head.
' Quite alright my dear detective, just still getting used to the sudden discomfort. ' as you took a step forward you rubbed your head in a bit or agony the sudden lost of air caused a headache, maybe even a migraine.

Your paws went to your head rubbing circles in it trying to soothe the pain. Basil reached a hand out before he quietly retracted it allowing Dawson to guide you to the couch with two pillows for your head.
' Rest now my dear, a nap should subdue that headache. '
Taking a seat your curled your small body on the couch - to be fair it was more like a chair than a couch but it would due, as you cannot go out looking for a hotel now. As you slept you haven't been able to hear Basil and Dawson decide that they should go now to find Flavarshams father, because if you had heard you would have gone along for the adventure and missed out on what was about to happen next.

A queen with two choicesWhere stories live. Discover now