Chapter 2

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We settled everything with the police, I told them everything I could possibly come up with. But mainly the truth, they got him in the car and they all drove off. I went back in the house and told mom she was good to come out of the secret room, I decided to talk to her about her drug problem but of course she ignored me. I went up to my room, and look at my calendar. Realizing we only have 4 days of summer left, " UGH!!" I yelled and started blasting some Sleeping With Sirens - Kick Me.

I was screaming the lyrics, still wearing no pants. I jumped in front of the mirror while dancing and laughing, when I looked in the mirror I frowned lifting up my shirt to see my stomach covered with multiple scars. I looked down seeing the 3 cuts on my left arm, and the 6 cuts on my right thigh. I shuffled over to my closet, and grabbed a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, my grey pizza shirt, and slipped on my converse. I picked up my phone to see a text from my only friend so far in life, Ansleigh.

A: Yeah, so Luke and I are dating and I'm pretty sure Calum's pissed. DX
M: You know Cal's liked you for a long time, of course he's pissed. Who wouldn't be. XD
A: I know, but I thought he would at least support me. You know?
M: Yeah, just give him some time to cool off. Would you like me to go talk to him?
A: Yeah, that'd be great! Thanks (:
M: Okay, I'll message you how everything goes, see you later?
A: Yeah, and thanks again. Bye!
M: bye! (:

I brushed my bluish purple hair and told mom where I was going. I walked outside and started walking when someone grabbed my arm and pulled into the hidden side of my house, I freaked out and looked up to see Michael Clifford holding my wrist. " Hey, calm down! I just need to hide right here for a little bit, I was lonely and you looked cute so I snatched you up." He said looking me up and down and licking his lips. " Aren't you friends with Ansleigh?" I asked as my cheeks turned bright red. " Oh! Are you Cecilia? I thought you looked familiar!"

He laughed and I just nodded, we were just standing there when he randomly groped my ass with both hands. I blushed and looked at him, he just winked. I decided I wasn't gonna let him just tease me, so I got on my tip toes and grinded my crotch against his. I looked up and licked my lips, our eyes met and I felt his bulge grow bigger.

I started palming him over his black skinny jeans, when my phone vibrates ruining the moment. I pull it out to see a text from asking how it's going, I just ignored it and put my phone away. "Was that Ansleigh?" He mumbled. I nodded, " I'm supposed to be at Calum's, wanna come with?" I asked with a smile. He nodded and we walked hand in hand, fingers intertwined, on our way to Calum's.

The story of Cecilia BlackwoodWhere stories live. Discover now