She Stuck With Me

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Angered Words

Mine and Hers

I could never foretell

What damage they would bring

Separate Ways

Now absent Days

Time ever flowing on

But her void is never filled

Being Alone

Perhaps to Atone

Space that is needed

So that I might learn to grow

Friends Come

Connect with Some

But not like with her

She stands apart from them all

Many Dreams

More it Seems

Countless nights of her

She is the one that stuck with me

Always Wondering

Thinking and Pondering

What has her life become

Does she think back on me too

Never Sorry

Sparkling and Starry

Memories well worth the pain

I suppose I will always miss her

That's Okay

I will Pay

The price for it all

I will remember her always

Letters To An Old FriendWhere stories live. Discover now