I cannot sleep tonight
And yet I had a dream
An image in my head
A simple yet powerful sceneSee the life that I live now
Is not the same as back when
How do I describe it
In this letter I'll never sendWell it kind of went like this
I was walking along my way
But I didn't walk alone
You see I've met some friendsIt's funny because I always thought
The day would never come
When I could feel like I belong
A sense of safe spaceWhen you told me I'd never find
A friend like you again
I believed you, but they are proof
I broke that curse with my own handsI know that sounds so negative
And at the time it was
But I am older now
I bare you no grudgeNow I sit and analyze
The scene that I did see
Where I was walking with them
And a voice called out to meIt was you when I turned
A face I'd never thought I'd see
I was stopped in my tracks
So shocked to see you thereIn this waking dream
You grabbed me by my hand
In this place of travel you held on so tight
And demanded that we talkSo I told my friends to go ahead
That I would catch up with them
We went to a quiet bench
And that is where this dream endsLike I said its simple
Yet far more than it seems
I've thought on it and realized
What exactly that it meansYou see, my friends were walking with me
Into a bright future
You called out from my past
And I could not help but turnYou are still so special to me
No matter how far apart our paths are
But I cannot stay there with you
On that bench in our pastMy next destination
May not be by your side
But I will not traverse it alone
And I wish the same for youForgive me as I leave with them
Into the light of change
Where I am no longer stuck
Wandering in a purgatory of memoriesSo farewell my old friend
I think I've said all I need to say
I'm ready to move on
And I hope you've done the same

Letters To An Old Friend
PoésieMaybe one day you will see and know these are for you.