Chapter 3

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What was I supposed to say? I've got his album, I've seen him on the TV... he's an international pop star. And I can't manage to say a single thing. As we stood there awkwardly, I could feel my cheeks getting warm... I was blushing. Great.

"Uh..." was the only thing I could say. I picked up my bags from the ground, and turned around on the spot still searching for my family. There was no one left in the terminal, I didn't know where I was supposed to look.

"Are you looking for someone?" Niall said, walking closer to me.

"My aunt and uncle were supposed to pick me up here, but I don't see them."

"Maybe there waiting for you at baggage claim." He said with assurance. "Come on," he grabbed our bags and my wrist and directed me through the crowd. There were loads of people here, and I had no idea what or who I was looking for.

"Do you see them?" Niall asked, but when he asked he looked at me again. Not just at my face, but he actually looked at me like he was interested my answer.

"Well... I-I've never really met them before. This was kind of a-ah spur of the moment trip." I replied. I'm making such a fool of myself. Nearly any girl would kill to be in my position. "Do you know where the University of London is? I'm enrolled there, and I could probably get an apartment nearby."

"Yeah, I can get you there," he said with a wink. "Grab your stuff." He picked our things, and he intertwined his fingers with mine. He glanced down at our hands, then back up to my eyes, almost asking if it was okay. "Just so you don't get lost."

I let out a nervous giggle, and nodded. I'm kicking myself right now. Don't act like you have never had a social interaction before in your life. He led me through the airport, like he has done it a million times. We reached the parking lot, and there was a black range rover was waiting for him. He helped me put my things in the back then opened the back door for me to slide in.

"Thank you..." I said quietly, a little embarrassed at the situation. "For helping me out." I managed a smile, which made his cheeks turn a soft shade of pink. He was blushing? Because of me? No, don't get attached, you don't need that. Just find your aunt.

"Don't worry about it... In fact I've been really lonely... all they boys are on holiday with their families, and mine don't come out for another week," He said with a frown. “It’ll be nice to have someone around for awhile, ya know?” This time, he finished with a smile that made my heart beat just a little bit faster. What was he doing to me? I honestly can’t think about him like that. I don’t know him, at all... It’s a miracle that I’m letting him help me. Just find your aunt and go to school. “You could stay with me for a while... just until we find your aunt and uncle. I can’t let you have no where to stay.” He was right, but I didn’t want him to get in trouble.

“Are you sure?” I asked in shock. “I literally just met you, and your famous... isn’t it frowned upon to let a random stranger stay with you?”

“We aren't strangers, you already layed on top of me in the middle of an airport.” He said with a laugh. “It’s fine, just as long as no one knows,” he winked at me.

“I don’t have any money for rent, or food, or anything for that matter. I had to spend most of it on...” I stopped myself. The funeral, I thought. I looked away, not wanting him to see my eyes become watery. Niall didn’t need to know about my sob story, he was helping me out. I didn’t need his pity.

“Abby, are you alright?” I just nodded, I definitely didn’t want him to know. “If you need to talk, I’ll listen.” That was what I really needed, someone to listen. I haven’t talked to anybody about it yet. He was definitely not the person I wanted to discuss my parents death with.

“Yeah, I’m fine... And thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” I added a smile to my statement, to reassure him that I was okay. “And if you won’t get in trouble... or me... or your band for that matter. I think it would be nice to have a temporary place to stay... just till I get things figured out.”

He nodded with a satisfied look on his face. The driver took us to a quaint little apartment complex. It was a brick building with vines growing up the sides, making it look like it was ancient. It looked like something that came out of a magazine. He parked on the street, allowing us to get our stuff out of the car.

“Let me take that,” Niall put his hand out, wanting me to put the luggage in his arms.

“I’m a big girl, I got this!” I said proudly, lifting all of my luggage into my arms. I couldn’t see at all.

“Just let me, you can’t even see!” He said giggling.

“I’ll follow you, lead the way sir.” I said using my best British accent, which wasn’t much.

“Ok, come on.” He said smirking at my fail of an accent. I took a step, following the tall blonde boy. I tripped on my own feet, allowing my luggage to land with a thud on top of me. I could immediately hear Niall bust out in laughter.

“A-are you a-alright?” He said between breaths, barely being able to keep himself together.

“Oh, you know. Those invisible holes get me every time.” I said being a little cheeky. I was glad that I was starting to redeem myself from my previous attempted conversation with him... Not being able to even speak, he continued to laugh lifting my suitcases off me one by one. I took his hand, and he helped me up.

“I’ll get those.” The driver said with a wide smile on his face. Of course he saw my failure at walking. My cheeks flushed, and I was embarrassed yet again. I’m so damn clumsy, I probably have two left feet.

Niall grabbed his things, and walked into the building. He went up a flight of stairs and stopped in front of a door that had a big gold ‘3’ on the door. He set his things down, and unlocked it. I stepped in and gasped. It was beautiful. I almost forgot that he was a bazillionare, and he could afford all these things. He just acted like another regular person around me. It wasn’t an extravagant flat, but you could tell it was expensive. The kitchen was attached to the dining room, which led into the living room. I was a simple layout, but I loved it.

“What do you think?” Niall asked me. He was looking down at me, right into my eyes.

“I love it! It reminds me of something out of a magazine.” I said, telling him what I thought earlier. I was being honest, I really did love it.

“You can stay in the guest room, its right next to mine.” He led me down the hallway to show me my room. The driver followed, leaving my things outside of the door. I flashed him a smile and a nod, letting him know that I appreciated it.

I walked into my new room (for now at least) and sat on the bed. I looked back at Niall who was leaning in the doorway. I watched as his eyes scanned my body up and down, I felt so self-conscious. I looked terrible, I just spent 12 hours on an airplane. Niall realized that I watched him check me out. He whistled as if he hadn’t seen a thing, and averted his eyes.

He looked back at me with a smile, “Sorry... I didn’t mean too...” he sheepishly said. “It’s just that you are really pretty, Abby. Like...” he paused, searching for the right word. “Beautiful.” All I could do was blush. My wavy brown hair was thrown into a ponytail, I was wearing an oversized sweatshirt, leggings and my black Uggs. What was I supposed to do? A really cute international superstar billionaire blonde Irish guy, just told me that I was cute. I never even got that at home. Of course I had boyfriends in the past, just never anything really serious.

“It’s cute when you blush.” He said confidently adding a wink, and left the room.

What had I just gotten myself into? Who is this kid, thinking I’m cute? Where is my family? How am I going to find them? What am I doing here? I didn’t know what to think at the moment, I just layed back on the bed and thought about my options.

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