Chapter 7

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Sorry I haven't updated in ages, I had finals at my school. This chapter is really short... It's a filler for the next one. Don't judge me!! I'm sorry!! I'll go back to every other day from now on.... Please comment and vote!!! If this completly sucks TELL ME!! If you like it TELL ME!! 

Thank you for reading this far! I Love Youssssss!! -- Jae


After Niall laid down with me, I felt safe, like nothing could harm me. I just layed there, absorbing the warmth from his body. Content to just be near him. I fell asleep like that... Happy.

The light from the sun woke me up, I peeked between my eyelids to see the boy I fell asleep with, but he was gone. I felt suddenly empty. I was hoping I would wake up, and he would be laying next to me, his arm wrapped around my waist. He wasn’t, so I decided that after my eventful two days in London, I would take a quick shower and find something to eat.

After I mustered up some courage to get out of my warm bed, I took a shower. I dressed myself in my favorite dark blue skinny jeans, and a sweater with a collared shirt underneath. It was pretty cold here being only two weeks till Christmas, but it was nothing compared to winters in Wisconsin. I ventured out of my room to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a yogurt, then I had to rummage through the drawers to find a spoon.

Niall’s laptop was sitting on the kitchen table, with a note next to it. It read: Went to the studio. Eat what you like. I’ll be back at 1:00, don’t run away. :) Love, Niall. His handwriting looked like a five year old boys. I scooped up his laptop, and headed for the living room, making myself at home. I checked my e-mail, and saw that my classes start in a week. I didn’t have any supplies or a computer, I didn’t even know where the campus was.

I should have thought this entire trip to London through. I only wrote letters to my aunt, it was lucky that I even found her address in a box with my parents old things. I spent nearly all my money on the plane ticket here, and I had to take out loans to pay for college here. Well, I’m here now, and I am definitely not going back. So I might as well make the best of it.

I scrolled through Twitter, and saw all of my old friends tweeting each other, and continuing on with their lives. And that right there is why I left. I couldn’t do it. My vision became blurry as my tears filled my eyes. I was leaving behind my old self, and starting a whole new me. I need to be open, open to everything... even love. I couldn’t fall in love here! I just need to go to school, find my aunt, and be a nobody, just fade into the background. Why am I even still here? I could very well find my aunt and uncle on my own, I could talk to the police.

I walked up to my bedroom, and started throwing all my possessions into my suitcase. Niall didn’t need me here, I was just a burden. He even said all the boys are coming back early to figure this situation out. He is an international pop sensation, not a charity. I was leaving, now. I looked at the clock on the wall, 12;30. I had to hurry, I didn’t want anyone stopping me. He has been so nice, but I think I am getting too attached. He makes me feel different... I don’t even know how to explain it, but that is not why I came to London in the first place.

“Ello?” I hear an Irish accent ring through the apartment. Shit. He was home early. I stuffed the rest of my things into my suitcase, and I would just walk out like I planned on doing anyways. He was not going to stop me. “Abby, what are you doing?” He asked as I pushed past him in the hallway making my way to the door.

“Leaving.” I said bluntly as I turned the doorknob, moments away from excape.

“No your not!” He grabbed my suitcase from my hand, and pulled it farther into his living room. I was leaving, he wasn’t going to stop me. I felt anger flush my face.

“Yes I am!! You don’t need me here, or want me for that matter. I’m just a pain. You don’t have to change your schedule, or figure out what to do with me. I’ll just leave and make everyone's life better.” My little rant made my already emotional morning worse. My tears threatened to spill over my lash line.

“B-but you.. you just can’t.” Niall replied lowering his voice almost to a whisper.

“Why’s that?” I asked fuming.

“Because... I-I feel different with you.” That all he said, and he turned around and sat on the sofa. Now he had my attention. What did different mean? I took a seat next to him.

“What do you mean... different?” I asked, with a glimmer of hope.

“I’ve never felt like this with someone before, I just want to keep you safe. I don’t want you to cry, to be sad, to hurt. I want to take that away for you... I’ve never had that before. I’ve been with enough girls to know.” He said looking up at me. “It hurts to not know everything about you, the reason behind all... this.” He finished pointing between us. I didn’t know what to say. Did he have a crush on me too?

I didn’t know where to go from here, so we just stared at each other. Not awkwardly, but almost admiring each other. His eyes were so blue, something I noticed the first time I saw him. He broke our eye contact, and looked very intrested in his shoes.

“Stay.” He said still looking at the ground. “We’ll figure this out.” My heart shattered into a million pieces. He wanted to know everything, he wanted me to stay, he cared. The last time I had that, it was taken away from me.

“It was my parents.” I said.

“What?” Niall looked up at me very intrigued again.

“You wanted to know everything. Why I came here? Why I can’t control myself all the time? What is wrong?... My parents... they died.” I don’t know how I am going to tell this story, I was already sobbing into my hands.

Then he did something unexpected. He pulled my face out of my hands and kissed me.

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