Chapter 6

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**Nialls POV**

She slammed the door. I could hear her sobs from outside. I kept pounding on the door, I wanted to hug her, to hold her, to protect her. She doesn't know what she's doing to me, I don't know what she's doing to me. She makes me feel different, like overprotective... I just want to kiss her when I see her. Is that weird? Yes. I can't tell anyone that I'm falling for her... hard.

"Please Abby. Talk to me." My shouts turned almost into whispers. I settled myself outside her door, just in case she came out I didn't want to miss her.

"Why don't you get to bed, mate?... it's pretty late." Zayn sat by my side on the floor.

"She makes me feel... I can't just leave her. You know what it's like with Perrie right?" I tried to get out my emotions.

"You know I love Perrie, and I would do the same thing. I've just never seen you like this." He said as he stood up probably going back to his flat just acroas the hall.

He was right. I've brought girls back from clubs before, not tons, but sometimes I do. And I've never felt like this before, the feeling was literally indescribable. I knew I would be here for a while, so I picked myself up too retrive my guitar from my room. I sat back in my previous place right outside Abby's door and began to sing to my favorite Ed Sheeran song.

"Another day, another life

Passes by just like mine

It's not complicated..."

I continued to play but stop singing when I heard a shuffle behind the door. Abby must have moved closer to the door to hear.

"Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you?

Float down, like autumn leaves

And hush now

Close your eyes..."

I continued the song till I came to the last note. It reminded me of her, I'm not quite sure why though. I think it was the melody... very calm and relaxed. I heard more shuffling from inside her room, and the doorknob turned revealing a very worn out looking girl. She was still so beautiful, even through her red eyes, I could see her. Not just her face and her looks, but her.

"Will you lay with me?" She asked looking down at me sitting on the floor.

"Of course." I knew she needed someone, she just needed time to cry it out a bit.

**Abby's POV**

I just sat there, I didn't know where I was supposed to go from here. I was emotionally drained. I could hear Niall's shouts turn to whispers.

"Please Abby. Talk to me." He barely let the words escaped his lips, barely audible. I could tell he was right outside my door, because I could still hear his pleas. I didn't want to talk about this... Especially with him. He made me feel like he actually cared about me, like he was genuinely interested in me. When he had his arm around me on the couch, I wished that he would never let me go. I felt safe with him, he made me forget about the bad things in my life. That's why I didn't want him to know. I didn't want the good mixed with the bad. Niall is the good, the good thing in my life.

I was getting tired of just sitting by the door, so I decided to lay on my bed and just cry myself to sleep. Just before my eyes forced themselves closed, I could hear a guitar outside the door. I got up and resumed my position balled up outside the door.

"Another day, another life

Passes by just like mine

It's not complicated..."

I began to break out in a sob again, it was complicated! Everything about this was complicated. I knew I would feel better about it if I could talk to someone about it. About how I have nightmares, and panic attacks when I'm alone. Just get everything off my chest. Was Niall the person to tell? What did it matter. He was going to find out, because they're going to research my background, and see it all. Niall's going to know and he won't know how to help me. It will be awkward and distant, and I didn't want that.

"Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you?

Float down like autumn leaves

And hush now

Close your eyes..."

Niall kept singing, making my tears stop. Maybe I should just tell him...

"Will you lay with me?" I asked awkwardly, I just wanted to feel safe. I wanted him to take

everything away.

"Of course," he replied. My hand was enveloped in his big ones, and he led me into my room. I layed under the covers, and motioned for Niall to do the same. He got in and laid there stiffly. I wanted to cuddle with him, so I moved closer and grabbed his arm and put it around my waist. My head rested on the top of his chest, and I could hear his heartbeat. I just wanted to stay here forever. I knew I was starting to develop feelings for this silly Irish lad, but I wasn't going to let them go further. We could be friends. Right?

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