Chapter 2

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It is every scientist's dream to be able to leave a mark on this world. Names like Samuel Oak, Augustine Sycamore, and Aurea Juniper to name a few already have their signatures on the scientific community. May it be monitoring Pokemon migration or explaining the complexities of mega evolution, your name will eternally resound in the halls of excellence after a breakthrough discovery. That is my goal – to be able to live forever through my lifelong work and give humanity one small push in understanding Pokemon.

The heels of my leather shoes produce sharp clicking sounds as they make contact with the marble floor. I try to adjust my tie for the hundredth time for every step I take makes my heart accelerate. The forever lump in my throat cannot seem to subside even for how many times I attempt to swallow it. I bury my hands deep in the pocket of my pants as I quicken my strides to mask my overwhelming anxiety. No amount of tailored suit and tie can hide the fact that I am figuratively a walking bundle of nerves.

I am so absorbed by the drumming of my heart when the smell of fresh grass and home hits my nose. I tilt my head to the side as I search for Leafeon only to see him falling behind me. I slow down my strides to let Leafeon catch up which allows me to live in the moment and appreciate my surroundings. Natural sun hugs my face as light invades through the massive glass windows in an already massive hallway. Hundreds of employees, some I know and idolize, pass by me with their Pokemon. I stare in awe as I realize how amazing the architecture inside. Nature is hugging modernity as various vines creep upward the huge marble pillars that support the whole structure. Large flowering plants embrace the great light sources in the ceiling as various Flabebe and Ribombee nest inside them. Leafeon himself feels at home despite being inside a contemporary building.

We make our way to the reception area, greeting familiar faces in the process. Leafeon is loving the fact that he can see some of our old friends again. It has been a while since we have been in this building and a lot has changed. I would bring Sylveon out of her ball but I just know she will freak out over the number of people and Pokemon in such close vicinity. For such a comforting and helpful partner, she can be excessively timid.

"Whoa, fancy seeing you here again Elliot!" a middle-aged woman beams, her black hair tied in a ponytail. She is standing at the back of the reception counter, her white suit and green eyes greatly contradicting the jet-black countertop. Women have the magic to look younger as they grow older and she is living proof.

"Look at you! Have you been blessed by Xerneas lately? You look younger than last time Regina," I exclaim with a wide grin on my face.

"This is why I like you! You know how to make an old woman blush!" she laughs, taking a notice of Leafeon sitting diligently on my side. "Is that who I think it is?"

"Yep, that's the small Eevee you once knew and loved!" I say proudly as Leafeon mews happily.

She gasps in joy and excitement. "Hey, Leafeon! Do you still remember me? You're so big now! I'm so proud of you."

Leafeon leaps to the countertop and gives Regina a little nose bump.

The sprout on his forehead bobs up and down as he releases the fresh and welcoming scent that everyone loves. He is blooming and it is an absolute joy whenever I see Leafeon in his element.

"You smell like my lawn whenever I mow my grass down," Regina sighs contently, closing her eyes in the process. I chuckle at the strange comparison.

"I hate to break your reunion but are we green to meet with the executives now? I was asked to come for an appointment," I say as Regina plays with Leafeon's leaf as if they're the only people in this room.

"Before I call the execs, will you leave this little guy here with me? He probably won't like the atmosphere up there," she replies, not taking her attention away from Leafeon. She is right, he would wilt due to the heavy atmosphere of politics in our field of work. I am still in the lobby and I already feel my energy being drained.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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