That Counts As Kidnapping

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Okay, so today is dragging on. It's last class and I'm tapping my fingers anxiously, waiting for the bell to sound so I can escape to- nope. Nope never mind this class can drag on as long as it freaking wants. Anything to keep me from having to go to Stilinski's house. A n y t h i n g .

Sadly, time isn't on my side and the bell decided to ring, signalling the end of school. Rude.

I sigh as I pick up my books and leave the classroom. I make my way over to my locker, pushing through the crowd of students who are clearly desperate to get home. Well, lucky them! Rolling my eyes, I shove my way to my locker, swinging the door open, purposely hitting a couple of freshmen who were in my way...What?! Their fault for standing too close!

I shove my books into my locker and pull out my bag, checking the time on my phone. 5:30pm. 30 minutes until I have to meet the walking headache in the parking lot, great. I huff out a breath as I stuff my homework into my bag and shove it back in my locker.

I close my locker and turn to walk to the library, only to get a literal HEART ATTACK when I'm met with my best friend's smiling face, jumping a foot in the air I shout, "LYDIA! My GOD- Are you trying to kill me?!" Lydia pouts her lips and squints her eyes, "hm. No, no not yet." I frown, "yet?!" Lydia simply smiles and links her arm around mine, pulling me in the opposite direction from where I wanted to go. Typical.

"So, are you gonna kidnap me and then tell me where we're going, or kidnap me and keep it a surprise?" Lydia scoffs and continues walking, "I did not kidnap you! I just...Removed you from where you were originally" I raise my eyebrows, "so you kidnapped me." "yes, I kidnapped you." I shake my head and smile at my best friend, "well can you at least tell me where we're going? I have to leave in-" I pull out my phone and check the time, "-25 minutes."

Lydia gives me one of her oh trust me, I know smiles and pushes me into the girl's changing rooms. "You really need to get better at this whole kidnapping thing, Lyds. Someone will definitely find me in here" I look around, playing the act of a lost puppy, what can I say? I'm an actress at heart! Lydia grabs my shoulders and pushes me down onto one of the benches, "just shut up and sit down, Kody" I roll my eyes but oblige and slump down on the bench, watching Lydia root through her bag for something.

"So, is this the part where you kill me? I really thought you were gonna drag it out more, you know make it dramati-" "KODY! SHUT UP!" I laugh under my breath. Mission piss Lydia off : Accomplished.

I'm about to start mission annoy Lydia beyond repair when Allison walks into the changing rooms, "sorry I'm late- I got caught up talking to Scott-" I raise my eyebrows, "ooooh" Allison glares at me, I put my hands up in surrender, smiling at her. "What'd I miss?" I'm about to make a sarcastic comment but Lydia beats me to it, "oh, nothing, just Dakota acting like a literal 3 year old"  I cross my arms, "you kidnapped me." Lydia throws her arms out angrily, "I did not kidnap you!" "Did too", I whisper under my breath, earning myself an eye roll from my best friends.  Yeah, probably time to stop annoying them.

Allison and Lydia share a private conversation in front of me, I roll my eyes and stand up, putting a hand on their shoulders, "I hate to interrupt your lovers' conversation, but I'm major third wheeling right now." I glance at Allison and frown, "you're not cheating on Scott already, Ali, are you?" I put on a fake surprised face before I'm shoved backwards.

Okay, this is getting old now. "C'mon guys! I have to go in like 20 minutes so one of you explain why you kidnapped me, before I knock you both out and run out of here screaming murder." Lydia and Allison glance at each other before smiling and turning towards me, "So, Kody" I already do NOT like where this is going. "You're going to Stiles' house for the assignment?" I frown and squint my eyes, trying to figure out where this conversation is leading.

"Uh, yes? I'm going to Stilinski's house to work on the assignment-" Lydia smiles and puts a hand on my shoulder, "will you be safe?" I frown, safe? Is Stiles a secret freaking ninja? What does she mean, safe?! Lydia notices my confusion, "Let me elaborate, do you know how to use protection?" My eyes widen and I shove Lydia's hand off of my shoulder, "you have got to be kidding me- Did you really just waste my time to give me the safe sex talk?!"

I see Allison hiding a laugh behind her hand. "It's important, Kody! We don't need any mini Stiles running around!" My eyes widen further as I shove past Lydia, heading towards the door, "I cannot believe you would even think- You really thought- ME AND STILES?! UGH-" I shiver over dramatically and leave the changing room, Lydia and Allison hot on my heels, "IT'S IMPORTANT, DAKOTA! BE RESPONSIBLE!" I make a point of covering my ears with my hands as I walk...speed walk back to my locker. I'm 10 minutes early but who cares.

Is it criminal of me to think that I might actually prefer Stilinski's company over Allison and Lydia's right now? I mean they actually thought- UGH!

Lydia and Allison give up on following me, turning around in a fit of laughter as I reach my locker. I shake my head and pull out my bag, swinging it over one shoulder and making my way out of the school. I walk over to the parking lot, glancing around for the worn down blue jeep that belongs to my assignment partner, unfortunately.

My eyes eventually land on the jeep, I walk over hearing a quiet, "oh for god's sake-" from the boy inside the vehicle. I roll my eyes "what's wrong with you now, Stilinski?" Stiles swings his jeep door open and glares at me, walking around to the hood of his jeep, "Shut up, Dakota", I raise my eyebrows and sigh impatiently as Stiles pulls up the hood, revealing...Duct tape?! Seriously, does this dude have any idea how to take care of a jeep-?!

"Your piece of crap jeep is broken, AGAIN?! Are you ever gonna grow up and just get a new one-? Or at least stop using freaking duct tape!" Stiles huffs out angrily, "Maybe if you had your own car like every other 17 year old, you would understand that you don't just abandon-" I close my eyes, frustrated. How the hell am I supposed to get a whole assignment done with him-?! I cut Stiles' sentence short, "Stilinski, you're the definition of if a headache was a person. Please, for the love of god, shut up!"

Stiles' mouth drops open to retaliate but he clearly decides against it as he spins back around and continues working on his jeep. I cross my arms triumphantly and watch Stiles work, laughing under my breath as he begins to get frustrated with the lump of metal in front of him.

Stiles pauses, keeping his eyes on the jeep as he hisses out angrily, "What the hell are you finding so funny, Reign?" I uncross my arms and run a hand over my face, trying to hide my smile, "you're doing it wrong" I take my hand away as Stiles looks back at me with his eyebrows raised sceptically, "oh really?" I roll my eyes at his sarcastic tone, "Yes really, dumbass."

I move forward and shove Stiles out of the way, hearing his quiet protests, I ignore him and reach into the jeep, pulling out a couple of wires that had clearly been attached wrong, "you really don't see a problem with this?" I ask, holding the wires up in front of Stiles' confused face. He shrugs and I shake my head, reattaching the wires correctly.

I skim over my work, nodding in satisfaction as I brush off my hands and close the hood of the jeep, not even glancing at Stiles as I jump in on the passenger's side. Stiles stays standing outside the jeep, looking like a lost and confused puppy, I roll my eyes and lean out the window, "well are you gonna just stand there like an idiot or are you gonna get in and drive the damn jeep?!"

Stiles seems to snap out of a daze as he glances at me, still confused and walks around to the drivers side, getting in and starting the jeep easily. I smile, satisfied and lean back in the seat, putting my feet up on the dashboard. I see Stiles' arm reach over, slapping my legs down, "get your dirty shoes off my jeep, Reign", I groan and take my feet off the dash. "Can we go now?!" Stiles glances at me quickly before turning back to the wheel, "seat belt." I raise my eyebrows and laugh under my breath, shaking my head, I turn around and pull the seat belt over me, clicking it into place. "Happy now? Can we go?" Stiles looks down at the fastened seatbelt and nods, pulling out of the parking lot.

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