| Chapter 2 |

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I am weightless, I am free. I land on the net and the flexible material cradles me and makes me bounce. A laugh escapes my lips and I smile at the pure joy I felt. Then the net lurches and I'm pulled to the edge. I grasp the first hand I see and lift my face only to see a boy with brown hair cropped short to his head, a hooked nose, a spare upper lip and a full lower lip, and deep blue eyes set so deep in his skull that his eyebrows almost cast a shadow over them. The same eyes that always caltured me in my dream. The same eyes that looked at me with love and adoration, now looking at me with no emotion.

'Tobias...' I think to myself. Thank God I didn't say that out loud. I would have been screwed. I immediately avert my eyes after realizing I had been staring too long and Tobias - Four - lifts me up out of the net.

"What, did you get pushed, Stiff?" Lauren asks.

"There's a reason she left them, Lauren," Four says. Then he brings his attention back to me.

"What's your name?" He asks. I don't hesitate this time.

"Tris. My name's Tris," I say confidently.

"First jumper, Tris!" Four yells and the Dauntless cheer.

I knew (or I thought I know, I don't know anymore, alright!) I would be seeing my Tobias again and that it would be difficult to see him like this only as my mean instructor, Four. But I never expected it to feel like this. What if we don't get together in reality? No... I shake my head to rid myself of these thoughts. That isn't that important. The important thing is preventing Erudite from waging war on Abnegation and preventing Evelyn from trying to take over the city. Hopefully, I can still rank first so I will be able to get the leadership position and make some changes in how Dauntless and this city are run. 

Four then proceeds to give the tour and I tune out. I know or remember all of this. He sends us to the dormitories to change and then tells us that we are free to eat and go back to the dorms afterwards. After changing into the tight clothing that was on my bed I go to the cafeteria with Christina, Will, and Al. Maybe this time I can stop him from making the choices he made last time. I don't have to be enemies with him.

The only seats left are next to Four. 

"Do we have to sit there? He's intimidating," Christina mutters. Four had really scared her. I didn't want to sit there for a completely different reason. It hurt too much to be next to him, to be so close, yet know that we couldn't be further apart. 

"We have to," Will says. We all sit down and the mindless chatter about our old factions start.

"Here, put this on it, it'll make it taste better," Will says after seeing me (pretending) to struggle with my hamburger.

"What, you've never had a burger before?" Christina asks, letting her Candor personality show.

"Stiffs eat plain food, mainly a plant-based diet, with very little seasoning or flavour," Will says as if he's reciting it from a textbook. I was going to question how he knew I was from Abnegation, but he probably remembered me from the Choosing Ceremony. Abnegation to Dauntless transfers are extremely rare. Only two that I know of actually, including myself.

"What textbook did you swallow?" Christina asks.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Will, Erudite," he says smiling at her. Christina nods in understanding.

"Christina, Candor," Christina says. 

"I'm from Candor too. Name's Albert, but you guys can call me Al," Al says. 

"I don't want to hear about your old factions. You're Dauntless now, act like it," Four's cold voice pierces through me, chilling me to the bone. The last time I heard that voice from him was when he was angry at me for constantly risking my life unnecessarily. I stay silent for the most part during our meal. I can't stop thinking about Tobias and fearing that maybe I've lost him before I even really got him. I walk back to the dorms with my friends and I am about to lay down on my bed when I see a piece of paper tucked under my pillow. 

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