Chapter 3

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I enterd Ron's bedroom.He was laying on the bed almost sleeping.I closed the door fact that I regret later.When I wanted to ask Ron what are we doing here,he said

,,Come in bed,darling''With an evil smile on his face

I didn't want to.Even if he was my ,,boyfriend''I never sleep with him,I never wanted,but this time I get in bed with him without saying a word.

,,Why are you that quiet,baby?''

,,I am not your baby!God Ron!''

,,OK!''Stand up,,Stand!''Nothing happened ,,I told you to stand!''

I didn't.He push me off the bed,on the floor,and slap her.I take a little scream.He heat me again.We repeat that a few times.I was mooning on the floor feeling very bad and hurt.I fell that I was bleeding even if I wasn't.I was knewing that after that I was  going to have at least 2 bruises.After that I heard foot steps,the door opening,Harry walked in!Ron said:

,,What are you doing?You don't know to knock?Didin't your parents learn you how to?''

Harry said,,Expelliarmus!''and then,,Reducto!"

Ron was now laying on the floor.Harry helped me up.I fall in his arms,I couldn't stay on my legs,they war feeling like spaghetti!Harry took me to Godoric Hallow,that was now rebulied.He open  the door and said:

,,After you!''

I walked in.It was beautiful! I just looked around.Harry grabbed my hand and invite me to take a seat on the couch next to him.

I was no longer scared of what could happened,I was living that moment with him.The real question is what was going to happened?Everything could happened!Harry give me a glass of water.I told him everything that Ron told me,what I was wanting to do,how I wasn't feeling something for Ron!He listen to me carefull,and patient.I was socked that he didn't comment and still now what I was talking about!I had the feeling that he was having a secret!

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