Chapter 27

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Hermione's Pov

It was a very crazy night.I couldn't sleep at all.I was moving like hell!Can I just get one night of sleep and just sleep?!Nope,I don't think.Anyway my mom was still sleeping,dad was down watching TV and Harry was...where is Harry?I got down from the bed and try to find him.Then I went to the attic and see him trying to fix something, I don't know what!He saw me.

,,Good morning,love!You good?''He came to me,,Are you going to stay on the stairs or came up here?Not to be rude but you don't have enugh balance and you might fa-''

,,Why don't you come at me,huh?''I get off from the stars and move a bit to make him space.He got down from the attic,,That's better,isn't it?''

,,Yhea!Now what's up?Finally awake?I felt you moving the hole night!What was happening?'''He pulled the ,,door''up.And we walked down the stairs

,,Nothing,just I couldn't find my place!It was crazy!But it was ok,I think Imma go to bed in a few hours''I was feeling myself so tired and if I was going to bed I would have so much energy!Damn it!,,I have been thinking...have you heard something of Neville and Luna.Have you?''

,,No.No I didn't.What could happened anyway?''He wasn't himself today.And I think he knew I knew.I think he's hiding something.We walked to the kitchen,,Everything was okay lately wasn't it?!''

I grabbed the newspaper and hit him in the head with it,,You idiot!how did nothing happen?!Last week and 2 weeks ago was nothing?!"I raised my voice at him.Like piu everything blowed up from his mind?!

,,That's not what I meant!Hermione!Look I you told me something and right now you are the one acting like you never did said!Let's don't start right now,ok?''Gosh I completely forgot about my parents

,,I'm sorry I forgot about my parents and everything,but I'm still worried about Neville and Luna.I mean we were locked together in the same room with the same people!But while everyone is alive and you know what I mean I'm all good!Who is cooking?''He started laughing,,What's that funny?''

,,You guys are very loud you know?And what about not us to find out?What did you did?''Hermione's mother showed up in the door step.They froze.There was no point in lying or something else!Harry and Hermione were thinking at something,her paretns probably at something else.It was going to be very bad.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆*at breakfast*

Harry's PoV

,,So''Hermiones father started,,I heard some conversation of you two''He pointed his fork at Harry and Hermione,,what was it all about I know what my wife,,PS:Hermione's mother name is Monica but I don't remember her father's so if you know please tell me,I am going to call him Chris(as Emma's dad),,is thinking at but I think that is true as well but there is something else,right?''

,,Yes,it is''Hermione started,,It is more than what you think,and no is not something about the 2 of us.Is not my fault or Harry's or Ron's or I don't know who!It was all about a bloody Deatheater.That got into the attic and I didn't know where Harry was,he was in the yard,and he,the dementor,stabbed me,when I wake up I was at the Malfoy Manor and Ron and Neville war there as well.They were tortureted or blackmailed.And then I had a little fight with Harry a few days after witch has nothing to do with the attack and yheaaaaa,but probably what mom think happened it did,but I just give a little idea of what it is but I won't open this subject''She looked at her parents than at me.

,,Alright,I guess...''Chris began,,And yes I could guess what you're mother is thinking at!I little spoiler the ,,s''word!''

,,Exactly what I was thinking about!''She looked at me like waiting for me to say something,I kinda nodded like a very tiny bit,,And about that ummmm''Yep she was waiting for my confirmation!,,It did happened oance''Yup that was it we were deadddddd!They both looked at us for 1 minute witch felt like 10 years.And also what Hermione said it was a lie,it didn't happened only once,it did many times(I didn't wrote everytime,their first time it eas kinda weird if y'all remember but the correct number is 4,I let you guys imagine that)

I'm sorry I didn't post because a lot of things(good and bad)happened at school and I couldn't write,Imma do 1 or 2 chapters till Sunday,bye guyssss!Lmaooo,,I let you guys imagine that''I am laughing at myself right now

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