Chapter 4

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In that night we got to bed early.In that night I was having a nightmare.Bellatrix,Voldemort and Lucius were in it.I woke up very fast and take a little scream.Harry heard me.He come in my room and ask me:

,,What happened?Are you alright?''He was a bit panicate,I can tell that.

,,I'm ok I just have a nightmare''I see he was looking at me,and that he want more than just that.So I add,,Was with Voldemort and his deatheaters''

,,Can be worst than mines!!"He sit down next to me.Put his arm around mw shoulders,and oull me closer to him.

,,Can I sleep with you this night?''I asked him,a bit scared.Half of me was wondering why did I ask?Half was telling me that I did the right thing.I was going to see,if I do right or not.

He answerd,,Yes of course!''He lay in bed next to me and pull me into a hug.I make myself smaller in his arms.I think he was knowing somehow that I was reallly enjoying hat so he ask me,,You like that don't you?''I look at him and then said,,Yes!I really do!Problems with that?''And I lay again next to him.,,No,absoultly no!''he answerd me and hug me tight.I fall asleep immediatly and didn't dream something else for the rest of the night.

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