What happened after Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi Wan returned from Mortis? (Part 1)

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Ahsoka's POV:

I wake up to the familiar sound of Rex and Anakin's chatter.  I groan.  What in the Force just happened?  I am Dead?  The monetary was falling onto of us before I blacked you.  Did I die? Is this some dream that I haven't woken up from?

"You were off the scopes there for am moment," I hear rex say.

I moment?  We've been gone for days.

"A moment," I hear followed by my master's chuckle, "We've been gone for more than a moment Rex."

"Sir, I don't understand.  You'll need to explain," Rex says.

I look over at Anakin and Obi Wan, we're all thinking the same thing.  How are we going to explain this?

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Anakin says, "We're coming in now."


I walk into my small shared quarters on the Resolute 2.  I find Anakin sitting on a chair in the conjoined living room, his eyes are closed and he is lightly snoring.  "I guess the all powerful chosen one still needs naps," i say with a smirk.  Normally in these situations I would prank him by writing skyguy or I love sand on his forehead or putting sand in his boots, but Today hasn't been a normal day. 

 I sigh and walk into my quarters, closing the door behind me.  i walk into the refresher and wash my face before flopping down on the thin mattress that i call my bed.  It's lumpy ad old, but It's more comfortable than the metal floor.  I even out my breathing and try to relax my body.  I know I need to sleep, but I feel sleep is a choice in my life and my brain doesn't like to chose it.  Eventually I fall into a dreamless sleep.


"Come on Snips," I hear my master say as I'm shaken into consousness.  I groan and roll to my side, facing my master.  I open my eyes a little. "Come on.  We have to go breff the counsel," Sky guy says.

"Ugh,  Do I have to," I ask closing my eyes again.

"Yep," He says before I feel hands wrap around my torso and throws me or his shoulder.

My eyes are open now, "Master! Put me down!"

"Oh I see you are awake," He says, mischief laced into is voice.

"Master," I ask suspiosulyly.

Just then he drops me causing me to fall forward.  I land in a handstand and stare at his back with a frown on my face.  I do a back walkover landing on my feet. I walk after him eventually catching up with his long strides.  We stop infront of the open cargo door and I punch him as Hard as I can in the arms.  He hisses in pain and clutches his arm turning to me.

"What was that for, snips," He asks with a laugh.

"That was for dropping me," I say before hitting him again," And that is for waking me up."

He rolls his eyes and brushes of the pain as if it didn't hurt, but we both know he will have a bruise tomorrow. I smirk and follow him.  We walk down the large ramp and are immediately greeted by master Windu.

"Knight Skywalker, Padawan Tano The counsel wishes to speak with you about your... Adventure," He says with a cold voice.  I nod my head and Allow them to lead me back to the temple.

After a short ride and a long walk Master Skywalker and I wait infront of the council chamber doors.  The doors open and we start to walk through the doors, my master infront of me.  He walks through but before I can the temple guards Block me with their light sabers.  "This is no place for you youngling," One of them says and Anakin turns around with a frown.

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