~Chapter 9:T-Cog~

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(1 month later)

It's been a month since Unicron and getting Optimus Prime back. Right now, Derek decided to have a late-night drive. Tapping his covered metallic fingers on the dashboard, Derek hummed to the music on the radio.

As Derek was driving, he saw a glimpse of yellow and black, "Bumblebee?" Derek questioned shifting, Derek accelerated as he saw bumblebee turning. Drifting through the desert ground then stopping, Derek got out of his car, hiding towards the cliff wall. Looking from behind the wall, He saw bumblebee running towards a Homing beacon.

"I have a bad feeling.....", As Derek thought that, electricity was shot at Bumblebee. "Bumblebee!" Derek almost yelled, looking around, Derek saw Leland again with his troops. Derek glared at them "I guess I didn't kill the right one...." Derek thought as he watched them taking something out of bumblebee.

As Derek watched them leave towards the helicopter, Derek ran out of his hiding place as he watched it start to fly away. Just before it went out of his reach, Derek grabbed onto the landing gear just in time, looking back watching as bumblebee's backup came.

As Derek looked around, seeing him high in the Air. "How have they not noticed me?" Derek thought as he pulled his goggles over his eyes then decided to make his move.

Taking a breath of air, Derek gripped the metal on the landing gear, flipping over though the entrance.

(2:20 to 3:03)
Derek is Scorpion (The blade is his blade)
Silas is Johnny Cage

Gripping through the helicopter again, Derek gripped the arms of Leland again, Turning him around.

"Now you listen here and you listen now.....If you ever mess with any of the robots ever again" Derek laughed as the current surroundings darkened around him. "Hehe, Well you'll have to deal with me." Derek threatened as he threw Leland to the wall knocking him out.

Beep! Beep! Beep! The sound of the helicopter going out of control, "Shit!" Derek exclaimed as he looked around for the part. Seeing it, Derek quickly grabbed it then went over to the entrance, Derek breath in and out, Jumping out of the helicopter, and saw the helicopter going down.

"Rocket boots on!" Derek commanded as the metal on his feet transformed then blasting through the desert.

Arriving at his car, Derek activated his comlink "Ratchet can you hear me...." Derek asked, hearing static till hearing a voice, "Derek! What are you doing the calling?" Hearing Ratchet, "Well...I think I got something y'all need" Derek exclaimed asking for a groundbridge.


Arriving at their base, "By the all spark...." Derek heard Ratchet said. Feeling the thundering footsteps coming towards him, Derek felt the thing he was held get taken from him. "Bumblebee's T-Cog, how did you get it?" Ratchet questioned him. "I have my ways...." Derek exclaimed. "We are in your debt Derek" Hearing a leader type voice.

Looking over, Derek seen Optimus Prime, "It is nothing prime, I'm just helping when I can." Derek a said with his arms behind his back, "But if you need anymore help, I'll come serve"

Hey guys, I hope you like the newest chapter. I was going to do more on this one but, I couldn't think of anything else Derek could do in this episode and that I had no motivation.

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