Chapter 8

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When I woke up on the cold bathroom floor, my head was fuzzy and it took me a few minutes to figure out what happened. When I looked down at my arm and legs, they were all scabbed up and red. I then went to grab my phone and noticed it was three in the morning. There was also a bunch of text messages from Ivy and Gal. Great now I'm going to have to come up with more lies about how I'm fine. I simply responded to both of their texts with an I'm fine.

I got up and went to my nightstand and grabbed my stash of weed. I wasn't really someone who smoked a lot but it was really helpful when I was stressed or depressed. It just made the world feel more clear and I was able to just relax whenever I got high. After I grinded down my weed and then rolled it, I lit the joint and took a long and hard hit.

After I finished the joint, I got up and went to look for a bottle of vodka. Probably not the best idea to get crossed right now but I honestly don't care anymore. Half a bottle and 2 joints later, it was time to get ready for school. Thankfully I have a high tolerance to alcohol, due to the late summer nights at parties, I wasn't shit-faced and I could function somewhat normally. When I went back into the bathroom, I saw a puddle of blood and my mind started flashing with the images of what happened last night. With a shake of my head, I looked into the mirror and saw how bloodshot my eyes were. I pulled out a bottle of eye drops and used them, hoping it would help with the redness.

When I was walking out of my apartment, I ran into Ivy. She took in the state I was in and snatched my keys out of my hand and told me she was driving. The car ride to school was mostly quiet but I could tell Ivy was sad and mad. She didn't like when I got crossed, especially before school. When she parked the car she asked me "Did you cut yourself?"

"No, Ivy I told you I wouldn't do that anymore." I lied staring right into her eyes, hoping she would believe it.

"Ok. Just promise me if you do that you will tell me." I nodded and then got out of the car.

 The whole way to Gal's class, I couldn't help but feel guilty that I was lying. Not only was I lying to my best friends but I was lying to everyone around me. It's lies after lies. when we walked into Gal's room, it was only us which I usually would be so happy about but not when I'm crossed. When I tried walking to my desk, I heard Gal call my name. Well, I'm fucked. As I was walking to her desk, I made sure to walk as normally as I could. Once I was there, I just stood there looking down under her gaze. I knew she wouldn't like it but if she got a good look at me she would know of my activities from a few hours ago. When she realized I wasn't going to look up, she clicked her tongue and put two fingers under my chin forcing me to look up at her. She started to gaze into my eyes causing me to look away. She did not enjoy that, she grabbed my jaw and forced me to look into her eyes, and every time I tried to look away, she just forced me to look right back into her eyes. I gave up and just stared into her eyes that were drilling into mine.

"Are you crossed right now?" she asked with a stern voice. She then continued with "And don't lie to me"

With a sigh, I just shook my head yes and looked away. When I looked back, she was gritting her teeth and her jaw was clenched. The sight of her made me bite my lip. She started to lean in until I pulled back. She then shot me a confused look as I started to turn around and go to my desk. As much as I didn't want to, I could feel myself starting to pull away from people. I didn't want to drag them through all of this with me. They deserve to be happy and not have to worry about me. I knew I was going to regret this decision but I decided that from now on I was going to just pull away from everyone.

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