Chapter 3

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Life for our two delinquents hasn’t been the best.They aren’t the smartest couple in the world but when when it comes to “having fun” they know how to get it on. Ky was very dominant as where Gabby was a true submissive they always were this way the love they had was sparked by dreams Gabby had she kept a small journal and she continued it as her relationship with Kyler continued.

“Ky, I want you to read something.”

“What’s is  it Gabby?”

“This,” she handed him a small journal and this journal contained nighmares she had from junior year.

The nightmares are as follows...

That Night started with a bang. The sound of the Fabulous Killjoys echoed through my head as I woke from another dream full of murder, suicide, and genocide. then the voice started again. It sang

Follow me please

There's a mural on the wall

Most beautiful of them all

Right this a way here is your fall

Sorry you listened to the call

The beginning

Every night at midnight I woke up my heart pounding. After I learned about the Holocaust I had these scary dreams that all the people like me were forced to leave our homes and lead away like sheep to the slaughter.Then the men who led us away all had masks that were bloody. The man responsible for my group this particular night was a tall buff very masculine guard he was inspecting  the females making quite a few uncomfortable. A few were lead away then met a terrible but just terrifying as everyone else’s fate. I was forced to the edge of a grinder and as i was pushed i shot up in bed sweating and panting with Last Resort by Papa Roach playing in my head.


Nightmare #2

I had been summoned to the office.I had no idea why, when I got to the office a maniac rapist/murderer wielding a bloody kitchen knife.He pushed me into the wall and shut the door. I looked around the room the windows were covered in black duct tape so no one can see in side as he rapes, abuses, and violates me.He pushed me against the wall put his rough calloused  hands up my shirt and began to grope me  he would not stop. I started screaming like a banshee; he handcuffed me to the desk and duct taped my mouth shut.He continued to violate me in silence, he seemed to enjoy my tears and pain. Moments later he whispered in my ear, “Listen you little slut. Don’t you ever start screaming while I’m trying to enjoy myself; Do you understand?” I don’t know what was going through my subconscious mind  but i attempted to kick him in his genitals. this resulted in him taking his knife and slitting my throat.

Yet again The Fabulous Killjoys echoed through my head but this time with a very disturbing twist instead of teenagers it went: “murders scare the living shit out of me.”

Nightmare #3

The Voice was calling again, Instead of it’s normal masculine tone it was very feminine.As I looked around an agonized scream sounded around me, Listening closely it my own. After the scream died down a laugh as sinister as the devil’s sounded as I continued my search. As I turned around I was met with a face,I was unsure of the gender at the time but sadly I damn well found that out the hard way,of someone who seemed to have had their have burned off in an Inferno. The figure inched towards me, and here’s where I found out painfully the gender of the figure,the figure pinned me down and had it’s way with me forcing it’s member into my virgin body ripping it’s way through the untouched flesh of my vital regions leaving me in a state of pain and confusion he forced me to scream in pain and tried to  experiment with different styles of “fun”.

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