Chapter 6

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The next morning we had a movie conversation where we said our favourite movie monologues.

“Gabby you go first”kyler said.

“Sure”I replied.

“You know what you look like to me with your good bag and your cheap shoes? You look like a rube. A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste. Good nutrition has given you some length of bone, but you’re not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you Agent Starling? And that accent you’ve tried so desperately to shed – pure West Virginia. What was your father, dear? Was he a coal miner? Did he stink of the lamp? And oh, how quickly the boys found you. All those tedious, sticky fumblings, in the back seats of cars, while you could only dream of getting out. Getting anywhere. Getting all the way to the F….B....I…. Doctor Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs.”

“Nice. You can’t handle the truth! I don’t remember from A Few Good Men”

“I dunno I never saw that movie. You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? Travis Bickle Taxi Driver”

Three months Later...

He’s gone; they killed him...They Fucking took him from me so you know what I’m gonna do? I’m gonna go fuckin join him If anyone finds my body I hope they feel the pain I Fucking felt...Er ist weg; sie töteten ihn ... Sie nahmen ihn Ficken von mir, so dass Sie wissen, was ich jetzt tun? Ich werde verdammt gehen Sie sich zu ihm Wenn jemand meinen Körper Ich hoffe, sie den Schmerz, den ich fühlte, Ficken fühlen findet ... A plecat; ei l-au ucis ... Au dracului l-au luat de la mine ca să știi ce am să fac? Mă duc dracului să i se alăture Dacă cineva găsește trupul meu sper ca ei simt durerea am simțit dracului ... Ele se foi; eles o mataram ... Eles Fodendo o levou de mim, então você sabe o que eu vou fazer? Eu vou ir porra se juntar a ele se alguém encontrar o meu corpo Eu espero que eles sentem a dor que eu senti foda... O gitti; onlar ben yapacağımı biliyorum bu yüzden onlar Lanet onu benden aldı ... onu öldürdü? Sana lanet gitmek Herkes onlar Lanet hissettim acıyı hissediyorum umut bedenimi bulursa ona katılmak ediyorum ...Ei fod wedi mynd; eu bod yn ladd ef ... Maent Ffycin aeth ag ef oddi wrthyf, felly eich bod yn gwybod beth rwy'n gonna ei wneud? Im 'gonna yn mynd fuckin ymuno ag ef Os bydd unrhyw un yn canfod fy nghorff yr wyf yn gobeithio y byddant yn teimlo y boen roeddwn yn teimlo Ffycin ...

This night

Walk the dead

In a solitary style and crash the cemetery gates

In the dress your husband hates


Way down

Mark the grave

Where the searchlights find us drinking by the mausoleum door

And they found you on the bathroom floor... ~ My Chemical Romance

(this is my final chapter sorry it sucks please tell me if I'm wrong I'd appreciate it.)

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