Chapter 4

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All of this intrigued kyler he never saw this side of Gabby he only say Gabby’s  loud blond side it was a shock to see this side of her. as he was about to give Gabby the book back a piece of paper fell out of the book it read:


Damn how the hell do you deal with my bullshit half the damn time?

Its like, fuck I fucking am always wanting to go do something that would probably put all of the people who "care" into a week long insanity but the people who care into a lifetime of pain, but you keep talking to me and keep me from doing it.Originally here was the part where I said thank you and goodbye but I'm not going to. What's the point it's not like I have a bottle of sleeping pills and vodka or a glass of drain cleaner and bleach next to me. but I still want to something just as stupid but I won't since hurting people that care as much as you do isn't worth it.

Thanks for being  the best friend I never had. The guy who means everything and doesn't treat me differently because of who I am and how I look. Thanks for just being you and being there when I needed you the most you are one of the most amazing people in my life. You make me smile, a true smile, you make me laugh , you make me feel special and like a have some worth even though afterwards someone usually takes that feeling away but that doesn't matter I know you'll be there until something happens where you don't talk to me anymore. Again thank you for being you and being there for me when I needed you the most.I don't think I ever thought of myself as amazing, beautiful,or worth anything. But there were people who thought of me that way, and maybe I believed them a little. especially the people like you..I miss you I mean I see you quite often in the halls but you're not really there it’s like we’re in 2 separate worlds now if that’s what you want I’m okay with that. If you're happy I’m happy your happiness is more important than mine   it doesn’t matter if my depression goes to the back of my mind to put on a smile so you don’t ever have to worry about me. If I have ever hurt you I’m sorry even if I’ve said it a thousand times its always as sincere as the last  time You know that sickening feeling you get when something bad happens or is going to happen yea... I get that everyday no and it’s your fault its not really your fault it what happened and now when I see you I can’t help but try to remember the good things that happened before the bullshit I miss it ALL but I can’t change the past but I can fix the future.

Love ,

Gabby (10/1/2001)

I hope he got the note i wrote our 7th grade year i know it’s 6 years old but it still has serious meaning. I wish I could have given it to him then but hell nothing works out perfectly in our world.

“GABBY!”shouted kyler.


“I’m sorry.”

“What for?”

“for making you feel that way babe.”

“I-I-I don’t know what to say”


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