Chapter 6. Need Somebody

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Aaron Turner

"I feel like when I was younger, I just had to be with you. I couldn't see nothing else but just always being with you and I think moving to Cali was good for me. I need to grow beyond you, I don't wanna be so wrapped up in you and what you doing that I lose myself. Part of me will always love you - but this not working and we both realize that" I said while sitting across from Moses in a Chinese restaurant.

He was quiet for a moment as went to town on some fried rice. My gaze shifted down to my nephews Nintendo switch I had borrowed and returned back to my game of Mario kart.

"I feel like you not in love with me anymore and I'm still in love with you" He said bringing the dramatics like always.

"I'm not saying that Moses. If we meant to be, we not gonna have to force it in the end. But we both need to live without each other for awhile to see if this is what we even still want. I'm learning to stand on my own two feet and you gotta do the same. We men now, not boys" I said while turning the game off.

Moses went to speak when the jingle from the restaurant door caused us both to look up. Dylan who was sporting a white fur coat entered and I found myself laughing .

"You told me, you were with Kaine" He said as he pulled up a chair next to Moses like he was trying to stake claim.

"You stalking me now?" Moses asked as he clenched his jaw a bit in annoyance but kept his hands folded politely on the table.

I sat back and observed the both of them. They bickered like an old married couple - wasn't sure if it bothered me or I felt bad for him.

Moses caught my gaze and tapped my foot with his under the table to get my attention.

"If this is what you want, I understand. We gotta stand alone and be our own person. I'm sorry for the things that I put you through and how I didn't take care of your heart. Your feelings are valid and I want to be better if not for you then the man that may come after you" Moses said and Dylan forcefully grabbed his face so he'd look at him.

I honestly felt like I was third wheeling at that point. Seeing them together made me physically sick, wanted to walk into traffic a little bit.

"Why are you apologizing to him? You're going through shit too and he wasn't there for you. He didn't take care of your heart" Dylan said involving himself in something that he shouldn't.

Moses said something quietly to him to diffuse the conversation as I titled my head to the side. I could feel the inner toxic start to seep out.

"You gonna let him talk to me like that?" I questioned Moses and he did a double take.

"It's not like that Ron" Moses said quietly and I sat back and looked down at my lap.

I grew silent realizing he'd replaced me in his life with a knockoff version. Made me low key upset I didn't fuck Juan and was trying to better myself.

Dylan had never bothered me before but the fact that he'd gotten close to Moses bothered me. He was telling him things he hadn't told me and it made me wanna choose violence.

Moses said something lowly to Dylan who got up with an attitude and left as more food arrived at the table.

"All this is just a front, you know I'm not good for you, but you don't wanna see me love somebody else. Now who's using who?" Moses questioned sensing my jealously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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