Chapter 3. Tell Me

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Selena in multimedia

Selena Scott


"Why do I get the feeling you're mad at me?" Taylor questioned as she sat in the middle of my king sized bed and applied mascara while holding my mirror in her hand.

"Because I am. You could try being nicer to the guys, they're gonna stop fucking with us because of you. I can't make Aaron wanna date you" I said and she paused what she was doing and glanced up at me.

"I don't care about that anymore, fuck him. Who would've thought i'd be crushing on a man with one eye anyway - over it" She said bluntly. I couldn't help but let out the sigh of relief that I felt to hear her say that and I could tell she noticed judging by the way she side eyed me.

Before Taylor could question me I tried to change the subject by holding up a new bodycon dress I planned to wear out to the club concert we were going to. I had to show my support to an old friend who was in town and I didn't want the drama or hostility tonight.

"You didn't want me with Aaron anyway because you like him. I thought you were my friend" Taylor said growing offended as she closed the mascara.

"I am. It's not like I ever made a move on him and I really did try and hook you guys up, but he wasn't going for it. I don't even plan to try and get with him - it's an innocent crush" I assure and she kept eyeing me like I was lying.

Little did she know I was being real and if I wasn't there wasn't shit she could do about it anyway. If I wanted him I would've tried to get him and she'd just be sitting there with hurt feelings and it is what it is.

Taylor kept an attitude as she gathered her stuff and left out of my bedroom to get ready in the bathroom in her bedroom.

I didn't want her messy ass in here anyway. She was mooching off of me and my daddy's money anyway half of the time and the bitch was lazy.

She worked at the lash bar I owned that was gifted to me by my father and barely showed up to work majority of the time.

She rather take pics for Instagram and go on dates with ballers to flex. Aaron wasn't even her type anyway, he was chill and laid back so the fact that he wasn't trying to get at her really bothered her and I didn't understand it.

I undressed after doing my makeup and changed into the dress I was wearing that night.

I was in the middle of putting on lotion when there was a knock on the door and after I gave the okay to come in the door opened and Saint poked his head in.

"We been here since 8 and it's going on 11, we about to be out" he said bluntly as he opened my door wife and looked around my bedroom.

I looked at the short lavender dress in the mirror and tried to decide what shoes to wear.

I could've put on some heels but we'd be doing a lot of walking that night and flats looked ugly to me.

I settled for a pair of white sneakers and Saint raised his eyebrow at my choice like it was wrong.

"What is it with females wearing dresses and sneakers?" He questioned me.

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