Chapter 4. Rain On Me

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Moses McKinley


I took a sip of alcohol as I watched Dylan pace back and forth in front of me. He had this look of pure fear on his face and was trying to brainstorm ways to bust his brother out of jail.

"You don't seem worried about this. He's your right hand and if he goes down, you go down and then I go down" Dylan whined as I grabbed his wrist and pulled him down on the couch next to me.

"Nobody is going down. Deejay didn't do anything and they can't prove anything - they brought him in for questioning and he's not gonna fold" I said confidently.

"He still doesn't deserve this. We could just tell the police the truth, we know who did it" Dylan said and I began chuckling.

He looked at me in anger as I tried to stop but I couldn't contain my laughter at all.

"Oh no, that's not gonna work. Deejay is gonna keep his mouth shut and we'll handle this when he gets out. You never talk to the police about street shit - it's bad for business" I said and he looked down at his lap.

"I don't want to lose my brother" he muttered and I awkwardly placed my hand on his shoulder.

"He's good, I won't let anything happen to him. We've been in worse situations before but your brothers a solider, yeah? He can handle himself" I said moving my hand to the back of his neck.

Dylan stared into my eyes before he placed his hand on the side of my face and pulled me towards him.

I watched him closely as he kissed my lips slowly at first before the kiss became sloppy and his hand went down to my sweat pants.

"You went from crying about your brother to wanting to fuck me" I said breaking the kiss only for him to lean in again and I turned my head.

"I want you" Dylan said as I met his gaze and chuckled a little bit.

"What you want me for?" I laughed and he tried to push me but I caught his arm and placed it back down at his side.

"I've always liked you" he tried to explain but I shook my head.

"You didn't really know me. You saw the good, not the bad" I said as I stood up.

I didn't feel anything for Dylan and the more we messed around the more I started to feel bad about doing it.

It was like I went into the situation not wanting to hurt his feelings but I knew of it continued he'd get hurt.

"I could love you if you let me" he said standing up as well and I placed my hands on my hips as Gucci entered with a backpack on his shoulder.

"I'm already in love and he's it for me. We can't do this anymore" I said and Dylan looked down before he stormed out passed Gucci who looked confused.

"Oh, he's gonna cry in the car" Gucci said before he took a seat on the couch and placed his feet up on the coffee table.

"Forget that shit. You did what I told you to do?" I asked and he smacked his teeth.

"Yeah, I bailed Deejay out. We could've let his ass sit in there - it was so peaceful and quiet around here" he complained.

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