Chapter 5. Erase U

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Saint in multimedia

Aaron Turner


"So you going to this funeral anyway, even though Malik said you can't go?" Saint questioned while he leaned in my doorway and munched on captain crunch, watching me pack.

"Knox said he misses me, he's upset" I said as I zipped up my bag and dropped it on the floor. I continued to hear munching and when I glanced at Saint he was looking at me funny.

"Well, I'm not going. She's dead and it's not like her body really cares if we there or not" He replied and I frowned.

"Didn't you like her at one point? What happened to that?" I questioned and he shrugged his shoulders before shoving more captain crunch into his mouth.

"I grew up my boy, and that shit served me no purpose. Anyway, I gotta go get ready for work - let me know when you bounce" Saint said and I nodded and watched him walk off.

I scratched the back of my head having second thoughts about leaving. I'd found my peace here, did I really wanna disturb my peace because I wanted to be respectful.

To be honest, the only thing I was thinking about was the day that Peyton had died she was trying to call Saint and I and we ignored her. Maybe she knew her time was limited and was trying to warn us about it or tell us something.

But Malik still owned his barbershop and she knew that if shit popped off he was the easiest one to get into contact with. It didn't have to end how it did for her, but out of my friends she was always the wild one.

My phone started to ring and I glanced at Juan's contact and did a double take. We had exchanged numbers that night his mom had brought food to the shop, that had been a couple weeks ago so I was surprised, he'd even got back to me.

"Hello?" I questioned almost holding my breath and he began to chuckle to himself.

"What you sound so formal for? You really must be an Oreo I guess" He taunted and I laughed a little bit.

"I was just surprised you called, wasn't expecting it" I said as I moved my bag down to the floor and took a seat on the foot of my bed.

"Yeah I been busy and making a lot of house calls. That's probably why you haven't seen me around the shop much. I was wondering if you wanted to do something in the next hour?" He questioned and I raised an eyebrow.

"Do something like what? I actually got a plane to catch later tonight" I said and the other end got quiet for a moment.

"Plane? Where you headed?" He asked and I wondered if I should even say anything. I'm sure he probably already knew of Kaine, but I didn't want people to compare us or think that I was like him or how he use to be.

"Just a quick visit home, only for two days" I said.

"You from New York right? You heard about what happened to that girl over there? Them New York niggas move funny. Be careful Oreo" He warned and I laughed.

"I will. It almost sounds like you care about me or something" I mocked and he smacked his teeth.

"Something like that. You coming out with me today or what?" He questioned and I pulled the phone away from my ear and thought about it.

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