Chapter two- heartbreaks and flashbacks

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~next morning

I got up slowly and dressed, I went to the bathroom to wash up and do my hair. I did everything slow because I didn't want to hear my mom yelling at me again. When I finished I grabbed my phone witch was at 47 percent because I forgot to charge it last night. I got my phone and slipped it into my back pocket of my black skinny jeans.

I walked into the kitchen where I made a small bowl of creal because I had five minutes to eat. I poured milk and sat down at the table where my mom was eating her breakfast but reading a magazine on her Kendal.

It was akward, she was quite and so was I. "So, now your grounded for a month" she randomly says "what?why?" "You know why! Last night you snuck out to a party that I said to, then you talked back to me!" She said. Wow she was starting to sound like a teacher. I goran and throw my bowl into the sink. I grab my sweatshirt and my backpack and walk out the door.

I text Stacy to come and pick me up like she always does. Once she got here I hopped into the passenger seat. "How was the party?" She asked "awesome!" I smile "but I'm grounded for a month!". "I told you". I roll me eyes but smile.

We get to school and I go to my locker, a lot of boys like me so they always try to get my attention but it's super annoying.

I open my locker and place the gaint binder that my mom got me, witch she knows I'm not gonna use anyways 😑. I get my folder for biology and my text book. I get to bio class late, not surprising "ms. James where were you?" The teacher asks "ditching school again?" Someone chuckles. I stick my tongue out at them "getting all these useless things" I mumble and sit down. "What did you say?" The teacher asks "USELESS THINGS! Are you going deaf now?" I laugh and so does the class, "ma'am I wil write you up for that" "cool, I got a bunch already". They girl and guys high five me while she is writing me up.

She places the paper on my desk, I rip it up and step on it "ms.james! Detention!" She yells "now? During school?" I scoffed. She rolls her eyes and continues teaching her boring stuff. I take my phone out but under my desk and I go on Instagram and Facebook.

When the bell rings I get my things and walk out the door. I go to my locker and get my other folder for math, witch I KNOW everyone hates the most.

I take a seat and take out the math text book, this is already boring to me. "Class today I'll give you a sheet and you'll have to complete it by the end of the class" he explains and gives out the papers.

I rush through mine and answer random stuff then I go on my phone again, nobody notices me. I text my friend who is in front of me, but she is talking about her crush so I lock my phone and stop texting her. After math I did the same and wwent to gym class. This class I had with Stacy so it wasn't so boring after all.

I jogged around the school and after the warm up we played a game of basketball 5 on 5. Me and Stacy are on the same team with two other boys and one other girl who sucks at basketball. The two boys are really good at it because they are on the school team. The other team had three boys and two girls. The girls weren't trying much, they just wanted to be out so that they could go onto there phones. And honestly I wanted to do that to.

At the end of the gym class my team won the game! Mostly because of the boys though 😊. After gym I have two more classes then lunch, at lunch I sit with a lot of other girls and Stacy of course. "So stacy you want your food?" I ask "no, you can have them" she says. I take her chicken off her tray and munch down on them fast.

"So your grounded?" She asks

"Yeah, I've told you before this morning"

"I know, but I told you that you would get in trouble"

"So? I always get in trouble anyways! And your always telling me the same thing. My mom doesn't do munch when I grounded too"

"Jezz Liz when will you understand?" She mumbled

"Understand that your family is way more strict? Yeah well nobody cares okay?! Stop acting like your all cool and a adult!" I shout in her face. She sighs and still does her additude. I sigh to but in a angry way. I cross my arm and she says "your just like your dad" she states. That's what made me really mad! She know that my dad is gone now! She knows that I still really miss home and that he was also a troublemaker!

"You know what Stacy?! You can shut your mouth up because all your gonna say is how your warned me even though I already knew! You try to act all tough and like you don't care! But you really do! You shouldn't be talking about my dad like that or else I'll talk about your brother and sister like that to! Little ms.prefect!" I shout at her. My friends chuckle "haha!" "That's so true!" "She needed that!" All my friends laugh. I see tears start to form in her eyes "exactly" I say to finish off my words.

She cried out of the lunch room while I'm here laughing about her cry baby self. I needed to say that to her face once! She really did need it though.


"Liz I'm sorry" my mother said holding my hand tight. We were sitting in the living room as we waited to hear what the officer was saying, once he left my mother said that to me "where's daddy?" I ask. I didn't know anything I was only five years old. "He's gonna go for a long time" she answers as she cries "where?" "Jail" she sobbs and lets go of my hand. She puts her face into her palms and start tearing up. "What did daddy do? How long will he be gone?" I ask wanting to know a lot more information. "He was a bad one, he broke into stores but he didn't do violence. He was breaking rules, he'll he gone for 8 years" she cry

It's even more.

"N-no mommy" I cry. She hugs me and holds me untill we fall asleep on the couch. I wake up and leave my mother's arms. I run to my bedroom and look under my bed. I take out a book with photos in there, I look at al, the photos of me and my dad. My dad was nice, he didn't hit me, he bought me what I wanted and he didn't yell. He just broke laws and broke into stores. My mom comes into my bedroom and wraps her arms around me. "Good morning" she puts on a fake smile "mommy?" I ask "yes?" "I miss him already" I cry as she hugs me. "Just promise me that you won't be like him so they don't take you away" she cries as I cry into her shoulder.

When my father returned as a 40 year old man and me as a 13 year old girl we hung out together. But two months after he came out of jail he died with a sudden heart attack. He was my best friend.

~~~~~ flashback over~~~~~

I feel tears in my eyes but don't let them come out. I finish my lunch and walk out of the lunch room.

Stacey's POV

I sit in the hallway and cry into my knees as I remember the thoughts running through my head, it hurt so badly.

~~~~~ flashback ~~~~|

"Bye! I'll see you soon!" I hug my older brother and sister. They were going on a trip to Washington, but they were driving "I'll miss you too" my older brother Leo hugged me and my sister Jenna both hug me. At the time I was five, Leo was 19 and Jenna was 16. My mom and dad waved goodbye as they drove off the drive way.

-two days later

I come out of the bedroom at 1:00 in the middle of the night as I hear both my parents crying, "what's wrong?" I ask and sit I between them both. "N-nothing" it was hard for my mother to talk. "We have to tell her" my father cries "okay" she nods yes. "Don't take it like we do okay?" My dad ask I nod yes. "Your brother and sister were in a bad car crash" "but didn't survie" my mom adds. I cry a lot more then they did. I don't care about what they told me to not cry as much as they did. But I loved them more then among thing in the world! I wanted to hold Leo and Jenna in my arms again and never let go! I missed then every second of me crying. I ran to my bedroom and jumped onto my bed. I cried some more because I couldn't handle it inside of me.

-at the funeral

I looked as they bairred them down to the ground, I cried again. At the end when everyone left I got my flowers and placed them neatly on each of there stone. "I miss you guys" I mumbled.

~~~~~ flashback over ~~~~~

I miss them way to much...


Hey guys! So this chapter is kinda sad but yeah! That's all bye!

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