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*** 2 months later ***

It is now August and it is finally somewhat warm. Not to hot and not to cold. Ashton and I have now been living in our house for about 2 months. Chloe and Josh finally got a house and Chloe is heavily pregnant. She can't wait to have her babies in about 6 months. But how's Luke are you asking, well he is doing a little better he's healing. He is on his way to recovery. At this moment I am home alone laying down on the couch watching movies because the boys are at the studio recording. But they should be home any minute. I decided to call Chloe.

" Hey girlll!!!" She yelled through the phone.
" Well hello to you too. You seem to be in a really good mood today."
" Yes I am. Me and Josh will be up in a little bit to tell you why."
" Okay Ashton and Luke should be home any minute so you can come up whenever."
" Okay we will be there in ten."
" Okay bye." I said as I hung up the phone.

Within seconds of hanging up I had two hands cover my eyes and two picking up my feet. I reached up and punched the the person and I frantically kicked the one holding my feet. I opened my eyes and saw Luke my brother on the ground rolling in pain and Ashton coming toward me with a black eye.

" Oh my gosh! I am so sorry I did not know it was you guys. I feel so bad now." I said almost crying.
" Hey hey hey Zo it's okay. It was evil of us to do that to you. We should be the ones apologizing." Ashton said coming over and hugging me.
" B-but I hurt you guys." I said crying.
" It's okay trust me." Luke said sitting on the couch next to me.
" Okay but I still feel bad. Here let me get you ice for your eye."

I got up heading to the kitchen. I found my ice spa mask in the freezer so I grabbed it. As I walked back to the living room the front door opened and Chloe and Josh walked in.

" Hey guys." they said as I walked to the living room giving Ashton the mask.
" Heyy. well aren't you cutely pregnant. You are getting bigger and bigger by the minute."
" Yeah I know. It is tiring but it will be worth it in the end." she said sitting down tiredly. " hey what happened here? Why does Ashton have a spa mask on and Luke look like he is in pain?"
" Haha that's a long story." I said laughing.
" Okay I don't want to know then. But I am going to tell you why we came over. Well since summer is almost over and we did not go anywhere me and Josh were thinking we all could go on vacation somewhere. But we need you help on where to go."
" That sounds amazing. How about we go to the beach or something." Ashton piped in.
" That's a good idea but did you forget I am 3 months pregnant with twins? I don't think the beach is a good idea."
" But I have never been to a beach before and I want to go." Josh said quietly.
" Okay how about if I told you my family owns a private beach and it would only be us there." Ashton said.
" Okay fine it's set me and my pregnant belly will go to the beach. But I'm only going because of Josh."
" It's set how about we go this weekend."
" Sounds good. I hate to leave so soon but we have to go to a baby appointment. I will call you later." Chloe said as they left.

Right now I am laying on Ashton as he plays with my hair. I reach up and take the mask off his face relieved to see the swelling and bruising went away.

" So boys what do you want to do for the rest of the day?"
" I was thinking we could go down to the boardwalk and stay for the fireworks." Luke said.
" I was thinking the same thing. Why don't we all get ready." Ashton said carrying me upstairs.

I grabbed Ashton's favorite hoody of mine and changed into high waisted shorts. I put my converse on and ran downstairs to find my drawstring bookbag to put my sweatshirt, phone, and some money in. In no time we were on our way to the boardwalk.

*** as the sun goes down ***

I had a really good time at the boardwalk. Ashton won me so many things. We are now deciding what kind of boardwalk food we want. Me and Ashton ended up sharing chicken strips and boardwalk fries and Luke got the same thing. We head down to the beach to watch the fireworks that were starting soon. We finished eating and I put my sweatshirt on and sat closer to Ashton. He put his arm around me pulling me even closer. The fireworks started and they were amazing. God today was a really good day.

**** Saturday morning ****

I groggily woke up and looked at the clock my heart sank. We were late, we were suppose to pick up Chloe and Josh 2 hours ago. Ugh this always happens. I got up and stretched and looked down at sleeping Ashton.

" Ashton get up we are late! Come on let's go." I said pulling the blankets off of him.
" 5 more minutes." he said all mad and pulling the blankets back up.
" You already got your 5 minutes. We over slept by two hours now let's go get up."
" What two hours. Hurry up and get ready we need to go."

Within minutes we were in the car and pulling away from the house when we both looked at each other and said " LUKE WE FORGOT LUKE!!" I jumped out of the car and ran for the house. I ran into Luke's room and shook him awake.


He just sat up and started laughing. " We are not late. I changed your clock so we would be on time." he said in between laughs.
" That's not cool man." I said and hit his arm. " well either way lets go we are leaving in a few." I said as I ran back out to the car.
" Guess what Luke did." I said out of breathe.
" What did my mate do?"
" He set our clocks ahead 2 hours so we would not be late."
" Ahh that's Luke for you." Ashton said letting out a little giggle.

Luke eventually got in the car and we drove to Chloes. They put their stuff in the truck and we were off.

**** at the beach house ****

This beach was beautiful. What was even better about it was that nobody else would be here. We parked the car and got our things out of the trunk. The boys brought our bags in the house while me and Chloe went down to the water.

" This beach is beautiful." Chloe said looking out at the water.
" It sure is. I want to just was to stare at its beauty all day."
" Yeah I can too hey can we sit down on the sand my legs are killing me." Chloe asked me.
" Yeah, here lets sit in the shade here under that Palm tree."

We sat in the shade just talking about how we want our future to go. We were talking about how Ashton makes me happy and she sees us being together forever and I told her that her and Josh will be together forever and there is no doubt about that one. As the sun was starting to set the boys came down to the beach. Ashton came behind me and hugged me from behind and Josh did the same to Chloe.

" Guyssss I feel so much like a third wheel. You all are in a cute relationship and i am here going hey look at that tree that is a nice tree." Luke said putting his head down.
" Lukey you will find that special girl soon."
" Hey girls we made dinner for you. Come up to the house please." Luke said.

I took my shoes up and starting running up to the house I was picked up when I was half way up to the house. Ashton picked me up and carried me bridal style up to the house. The boys made a wonderful dinner and we enjoyed it. The whole time we were on vacation we were down the beach. Building sand castles, Ashton carrying me to the water and dropping me in, having a picnic lunch, all together we had a wonderful vacation and I will never forget it.

Luke's little sister- Luke Hemmings and Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now