Talents and secrets come out

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**** Recap ****
We headed back to the car. It took about forty-five minutes to get back to the house. It kinda felt good to be back to be honest. I felt safe with my best friend and my boyfriend. Nothing can ruin that. Then my phone rang...

Great Luke was calling me. Joy what drama is it gonna be this time. I walked out of my old room and answered the phone.
" H-hello?"
" Zoe where are you? I know you are not in Australia anymore. Where are you?" He screamed in my ear.
" If you must know I am in L.A. Momma died earlier this morning. She was in a car accident and she wanted to see me before she died. So Ashton booked the next available flight and we came out here."
" Well I don't care. You left without my permission and did not even tell me."
" Zoe I had no idea they tried killing you. I had no idea you existed until they told me the other day to come and pick you up. I am sorry for everything I put you through I feel bad now. I wish it never happened."
" Yeah okay whatever. I got to go bye"
" I'm serious. Zo I love you"
" Yeah whatever I love you too."

I walked back into my room and saw Ashton asleep on the bed. I opened my closet looking for a pair of sweats. Instead I found my guitar. It was the basic tan with the little bit of black in the middle. But like every typical fangirl I put 5 seconds of summer stickers all over it. I took it out of my closet and sat on the edge of my bed. I started strumming the strings and closed my eyes. Before I knew it I was playing ' amnesia.'

" Cause I'm not fine at all
No, I'm really not fine at all
Tell me this is just a dream
'Cause I'm really not fine at all"

I finished opening my eyes. I just looked down at my guitar and smiled. I missed playing my guitar. I would play when I was upset, had a bad day, or even when I was bored. I heard Ashton moving behind me.

" Zoe I did not know you were that good." Ashton said scaring me.
" Well nobody knows. I thought you were asleep that's why I started playing. I really don't like people listening to me play because I am not good."
" Zoe listen to me you are amazing and don't let anyone tell you differently."
" Thanks. Oh I was looking for sweats that's how I found this. I guess I got distracted. Do you know where my bag is?"
" It's downstairs. Here I brought an extra pair of my sweats and a t-shirt up for you. I knew you were gonna forget your sweats downstairs so I thought smart."
" Thanks Ashy. I love you." I said as I kissed him and ran to the bathroom to get changed.

His clothes were baggy on me which I liked. I loved baggy clothes especially when they were your boyfriends and they smelt like him. I brushed my teeth and took my hair out of the bun and brushed it out. I went back into my room and Ashton was not in there. I went to Chloe's room and there he was. Chloe was crying and he was trying to comfort her. She stopped crying and fell asleep. Ashton picked me up and carried me back to my room. He set me down on the bed and he laid down next to me.
" Ugh I forgot my charger downstairs and my phone is dead."
" Don't worry baby girl I already have it plugged in and charging. Oh and by the way you look adorable in my clothes."
" Hehe I know I do. Well today killed me I am going to go to sleep."

I snuggled closer to Ashton drifting off to sleep. He kissed me head and started whispering.
" God I love you soo much you will never know how much I love you. I am so glad to call you mine. If we were old enough I would make you mine forever. I just want to make you Mrs. Irwin already. You don't know how happy that would make me. I want to have little Irwins running around in the future too. I am so happy your brother brought you home, I met you and had the guts to ask you to be mine. I can't wait for your 18th birthday. You are gonna love your present I promise that. Good night I love you with all my heart remember that."

He pulled me even closer and in minutes I heard faint snores. God I don't even know how I ended up so lucky.

***** Next Morning *****

I woke up still in Ashton's arms. I heard faint snoring so I knew he was still sleeping. I grabbed one of his hands and started tracing the lines on his hands. I think I woke him up because he started moving and mumbling.
" Good morning love." he said half asleep let me tell you his voice to die for.
" Good morning Ashy. Did I wake you up?"
" Yeah but that's okay. I have to ask, what is with you snd my hands? You are always holding them or tracing them."
" I just love your hands that's all."
" Ahh okay. And I a non-related note I love your small hands. They are adorable."

I leaned up and kissed him.
" Hey how about we get up and get something to eat?" I asked him.
" How about we stay here a little longer okay?"
" Okay."

We stayed in bed laughing, talking, cuddling and just enjoying each other's company. It was about noon and Chloe came stumbling into my room with tears streaming down her face yet again. She was broken and I could tell. She was shattered inside.

" Awwe Chlo moes what's wrong." I asked
" It's just this is the first morning I woke up and mom was no there to cook me breakfast."
" You know what. How bout you go back and lay down and I will go down stairs and make you breakfast how does that sound."
" Thanks that's why you are my best friend."

She walked back out of my room and went back to hers. Ashton sat up and looked at me.
" You know, you are a really amazing person. I don't know how I ended up so lucky. I love you soo much."
" I love you too. Now I have to go and make food you are welcome to join me if you want to."
" Okay sounds like a plan."

He got out of bed and stretched. He then picked me up and carried me down stairs to the kitchen. To be honest Ashton actually knew how to cook. He took over and he actually cooked the whole breakfast.

" Hey babe how do you know how to cook like this? I mean most guys don't even know how to make a sandwich."
" Well my mom wanted me to learn. She did not want me to be like every other guy out there. She wanted me to be able to cook for my girlfriends and when the day comes my wife."
" Wow your mom is smart. That is actually attractive when men can cook. Now let's go upstairs and bring Chloe breakfast."

We walked up the stairs and I dropped the tray in anger. You would never guess who was in her room. The one and only Josh. The guy that hurt her. The guy that abused her. Why is he here at my old house with Chloe!

" Before you say anything let me explain." she panicked
" EXPLAIN NOW!" Ashton yelled.
" Well I made up what I told you yesterday. There was no party, no one was drunk. I made it all up because I did not want to tell you the truth."
" TELL US THE TRUTH RIGHT NOW!" Ashton was now really angry.
" Well the truth is he has been away at college and I have been so moody and crying so much aside from mom dying it's because I am pregnant and Josh is the father."

Ugh I am so mad at her. I can't believe that she is pregnant. I really thought she was smarter then that.

Luke's little sister- Luke Hemmings and Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now