wait aren't you early

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" miss. Miss. Miss." I heard the flight attendant say as she woke me.
" y-yes" i say half asleep.
" our plane has landed. Thank you for flying with us." She said and gave me a small smile.

I unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my carry on. I took my phone off airplane mode and I had a few messages. I read them as I walk groggily down the hallway into the airport. They were from Ashton.

' hey hunny I hope you land safely. I love you.'
' I called Chloe to pick you up at the airport. Talk to you soon I love you'
And the last one was the best one.
' hey baby... Enjoy this selfie of me :) miss and love you... Can't wait to see you again.xx' and he attached a picture of him. ( picture above )

I sent him a message back.
' hey Ashy. I just landed. Flight went well. Well I think I fell asleep . But anyway thank you for your messages and I miss you tons too. Well I have to go find Chloe and get the rest of my bags. I love you.'

As I approach the baggage return a really pregnant girl approaches me. It took me a minute to realize who it was.

" omg Zoe!!! Your home! I missed you so much!" She said hugging me which was kinda hard. Because of well you know her belly.
" I missed you too! Wow you look great for carrying twins and being 8 months pregnant." I said smiling.
" yeah I look good but in a lot of pain." She said.
" I bet." I said moving my hands to my face to rub the sleep out of my eyes.
" oh my god Zoe!! Is that what I think it is." She said grabbing my hand looking at my ring.
" yes it is." I said smiling and grabbing my luggage that finally came through.
" AHHH! I wanna hear every detail." She said smiling.
" okay but can we get to the car first?" She nodded and off we went.

We got to the car and I out my bags in the trunk while Chloe started the car. When I got in the car my phone rang. It was Ashton. Chloe started driving while I was on the phone.

** phone call **

" heyy Ashy."
" hello my love."
" I miss you so much!!"
" I miss you too Zobow. Hey did you tell Chloe our news?"
" well she saw my ring and knew right away. But I did not tell her anything else."
" okay well I have to go. I have a concert to play. I just wanted to let you know I have my drumsticks and I also wanted to call you and hear your voice before the show. I will call you later. I love you."
" I love you too." Then I hung up the phone.

" So I want to hear every detail from beginning to end." She said
"Okay so it was just as I wanted it..."

After I told her every detail she smiled and she actually started crying. I can imagine what the other drivers are thinking as they drive past her. Haha this must be a scene. Then she finally said something instead of crying.

" Oh my gosh! That is the definition of perfect. I am so happy for you. Oh I should tell you..." She said trailing off quietly.
" umm okay..."
" so as you probably noticed Josh is not with us. He..he well I don't know how to say this." She stopped talking and took a deep breath. " he um he left me."
" he what! Why!" I said anger exploding.
"It was the morning after you and Ashton left. I woke up to find the other side of the bed empty. I figured he just got up early and was downstairs or something. I looked over at the nightstand to see what time it was and there was a letter on the night stand. Long story short this was not his life. He does not want to be tied down with two kids and a wife. So he took off on the road. I mean if this is not his life then that's okay. I will live in our house with the twins." She said. I thought she would never stop talking.
" omg Chloe I am soo sorry that is horrible. You know what you can come and live with me and Ashton. I bet he won't care after he hears what happens. He..."
" ZOE!" said interrupting me in panic.
" what?!?!"
" the babies are coming. We need to get to the hospital. You need to take the wheel." She said pulling the car over to the side of the road.
" alright." I said opening my door and running to the other side of the car.

Luke's little sister- Luke Hemmings and Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now