The second we called it quits

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It was about three months after the return of Misty to the coven when things began to shatter around you and you knew quite early on where this was heading, even though you fought it with every fiber of your being. 

The last three weeks were hard, Cordelia really tried to spend as much time with you as possible but in between her usual supreme and headmistress duties, council meetings, morning gatherings, and looking after her precious plants, there was now not just you to look after but also the blonde witch with curly hair, Misty. 

Cordelia tried very hard and long to push the feeling away she felt whenever Misty walked past, whenever Misty smiled at her or spoke to her, or whenever she found her in the greenhouse, where they would soon spend a lot of time together. 

The supreme trying to stay rational, she pushed the feelings away she felt, the little tingles in her body or the butterflies in her stomach, thinking it's just her mind tricking her every time and not actually being able to believe yet that Misty is back. After all, they never were together before her death but the feeling is quite similar to back then before you arrived at the coven. Eventually, Cordelia couldn't hide it from herself anymore, and then she let it happen, she let the feelings continue to grow, not pushing them back and that day was the day you lost her, even though none of you knew it yet. 

At first, you tried sending the uncomfortable feeling away and just swallow it, thinking that they are just friends and Cordelia would never betray you in such a way or hurt your feelings. It didn't help that Misty was always really open, friendly, and nice to you and any girl at the academy and so you thought you are mistaken. 

The first time you noticed that there might be some truth to it, was one afternoon when you were just hanging out with the girls, Zoe and Madison and then you walked into the greenhouse. You saw Misty and Cordelia high-fiving each other about some spell or potion they just managed to work on but one of them pulled the other one closer and they got way too close for your liking. As soon as Cordelia saw you standing there, she distanced herself from Misty and smiled at you. '

'Hi, there sweetheart'' she greeted you and Misty simply took a step back, smiled politely and things turned even more awkward after this. Without ever saying anything, Misty and Cordelia knew that there were these underlying feelings they had for each other, long before Misty's passing. They never had to speak about it to know that they have a special meaning in each other's lives. 

Misty tried explaining it by Cordelia and the academy eventually saving her and her finding her tribe and that's why she would feel these things whenever she was close to Cordelia either back then before you were around or when she returned to the academy. Cordelia tried seeing Misty as any other student but it was quite adamant even back then that the blonde has and always had a soft spot for Misty and that nothing or no one, not even you could change that. 

You still remember one of the first conversations with your friends about it, Madison being against it from the start saying ''There is no way she would leave you for that swamp witch'' but deep down remembering how they used to talk to each other, used to touch each other and how Cordelia cried for hours after Misty passed in her arms and how the grieve almost consumed her but Madison didn't want to believe it herself back then. 

Zoe was the one that took your concern and prediction more careful and seriously. She placed her hand on your shoulder in a comforting manner, trying to give you some advice like maybe observing for a little longer or even approaching Cordelia about it. After that conversation with them, you returned to your room that night, hoping to find Cordelia there and being able to speak to her about your concern, praying deep down she will tell you that you are just reading this wrong and that there is not a bit of truth in it. 

Cordelia Goode x Reader- TraitorWhere stories live. Discover now