Happier- Last Part

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A/N: Hi everyone!! The last chapter- I hope you enjoyed. Also big surprise haha 🥳 I just couldn't help it and had to add Billie Bean


''Oh, dear'' you hear your girlfriend says as she pushes the door open, carrying her expensive designer handbag, in one hand and little a little gift bag in the other, including Zoe's present.

After Billie walks in and closes the door, she turns around only to met with about ten unfamiliar faces looking at her. Billie being used to this kind of effect, whenever she walks into a room of people, she simply flips her hair back a little, before you quickly walk over to her side.

''Billie you made it'' you exclaim happily and she happily pulls you into her side and presses a kiss to your cheek. ''I am so sorry babydoll, traffic from the hotel was awful and the taxi driver couldn't find the address'' she apologizes.

The room goes dead quiet for a moment because no one in this room had any idea you were actually dating anyone, not even Zoe. Of course, you had mentioned to her that things are going better and you might have mentioned seeing someone but she had no idea it was the Billie Dean Howard.

''Come on, let me introduce you'' you say and take her hand and walk into the dining room, where all the witches are standing as if they just saw a ghost or something. 

''Holy shit you are Billie Dean Howard'' Queenie remarks and Zoe can't help but punch her arm in a scolding manner. ''What?'' Queenie asks shrugging and Zoe facepalms for the awkward introduction. 

''What girl we always watch her show?'' Queenie adds and Zoe's cheeks only grow redder in embarrassment which Billie of courses notices.

''Don't worry, darling I get that all the time'' Billie reassures before stretching her hand out and shaking Queenie's hand. ''I am Queenie'' she adds and Billie replies ''Nice to meet you, Queenie''.

Afterward, she turns to Zoe and says ''You must be Zoe, happy birthday'' and Zoe furrows her eyebrows for a minute, how Billie would have known but quickly remembers that Madison forced her to wear this silly birthday crown. ''Yes, nice to meet you Miss Howard'' Zoe replies but Billie is having none of that ''Oh darling, call me Billie, Howard makes me sound old'' she adds.

As you take the gift bag off Billie and hand it to Zoe, Madison introduces herself to Billie Dean, before you walk over to them and say ''Billie I would like to introduce you to someone else'' and this is the slightly uncomfortable part where you introduce Billie to Cordelia.

Misty and Cordelia simply watched with a smile and the supreme couldn't quite hide how surprised she was and the warm feeling it gives her, seeing you happy and moving on with someone else now. 

''Billie this is Cordelia, Cordelia Billie'' you introduce them and they shake hands before Misty also introduces herself. 

''So you are the infamous supreme'' Billie adds, obviously having heard about Cordelia before, while doing that thing with her hands and fingers. ''I am'' Cordelia replies with a confident smile and you feel slightly anxious that this might become awkward. 

''So you have a tv show?'' Misty asks curiously, after seeing Queenie and Zoe recognize your girlfriend from something. 

''Yes I have a show, I am a medium'' she announces proudly with the same smug expression she usually has whenever she meets new people and introduces herself to them.

''A medium?'' Cordelia asks curiously, obviously having heard of that gift before but never actually meeting someone with it before and quite curious about the balance of real and the after-life.

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