Good for you

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There is a moment of silence, Misty simply looking anywhere but you and you debating whether to just break the awkward silence because after all you never blamed Misty. She might have been the person that stole Cordelia's heart but she did that before you even met Cordelia and you really can't blame her, not now especially knowing that nothing ever happened between them until you did actually leave.

''So how have things been Misty, at the academy I mean?'' you ask trying to break the silence and starting a casual conversation because indeed you are curious how things have been going since you left.

She looks up with a shocked expression as she feared you would be furious and angry at her and not even glance at her, let alone speak to her. Misty smiles softly before clearing her throat and replying ''Oh you know good really, good. The summers are awfully busy'' she chuckles and you nod your head remembering how busy it was in the academy when all the parents sent their children here over the holidays.

''Yeah, I remember the summers they truly sucked'' you say and chuckle and the blonde does the same. For a moment there is silence and Misty simply looks at you before taking a few steps closer and whispering ''I am truly sorry Y/N'' 

You watch as she bites her lip and swallows hard, trying to fight the tears back because just like Cordelia, she never actually meant for you to leave your family and something always felt wrong about the relationship with the supreme because Misty knows how important family is and having your own tribe and it broke her heart, blaming herself for causing you to lose yours.

''Misty'' you start and take a few steps closer to her ''Hey it's not your fault honestly'' you try and reassure her and she meets your eyes, not really seeming to believe you just yet. You take a deep breath before explaining 

''I think it was just the universe and one of those wrong person wrong time things, we all have our special someone that is meant for us and that is clearly you and Cordelia'' you say and smile and even though that truth hurts, you are well aware there is no point of denying that or hiding it now. 

Misty looks at you shocked that you are able to think of the whole situation like this and how there doesn't seem to be any anger involved whatsoever. ''I can't help but think we drove you away'' Misty confesses, her voice breaking. 

''Maybe it was for the best you know'' you say and smile as you think back to your life that you built in LA and even if it took a lot of hard work and tears you are proud for the things you managed to achieve and where you are currently in your life.

''So you are happy now?'' Misty asks carefully and you smile and nod ''Yes I am happy with how things are'' you reply and you see a genuine smile across the blonde's features. 

''You know you can always come back to visit whenever you want right? after all the girls here are your tribe'' she says and you chuckle at her little metaphor and how sweet she can be. ''I mean it Y/N you will always have a home here'' she says with a more serious expression and you nod before mouthing the words ''Thank you''

Meanwhile downstairs:

''Madison how many times do I need to tell you that we do not smoke in this house'' Cordelia scolds angrily and takes the cigarette out of Madison's mouth. 

''What is going on anyway?'' the supreme asks and looks at Zoe, Madison, and Queenie and they simply shrug innocently while Mallory and Coco laugh in the background. Cordelia looks at them a bit suspiciously before remembering all the times when she found you and the girls with the exact same expressions on your faces after either doing something against the supreme's rules or just utterly silly.

''Now stop arguing, we are here to celebrate Zoe's birthday'' she scolds and Madison simply smirks and replies ''Fine Cordy, calm down'' before Zoe argues ''Well does that mean we can have cake then?'' and Cordelia simply smiles and nods.

''I will get the cake'' Queenie says excitedly and pretty much everyone runs into the kitchen, while Cordelia smiles and shakes her head at how silly the girls can sometimes be and how they still bring a smile onto her face even after all these years.

As Cordelia walks back into the corridor and up the stairs, on her way to her office, she fears the state she would find you and Misty in and she worries that maybe she shouldn't have left either of you alone. As she walks up the stairs her heart beats faster and many scenarios are in filling her mind but she is relieved as she sees you and Misty, standing by the door and casually talking about the academy, no sign of any awkwardness visible.

Cordelia smiles softly as she sees you two because she always hoped things would turn out this way and that somehow the situation with you could change so she could watch you in the academy again, engaging with everyone and bringing your usual joy and laughter into the coven. 

''I see you two are catching up'' she says softly and your attention focuses on the supreme again ''Are they okay now?'' Misty asks and Cordelia simply nods before looking at you and saying ''The girls have cake, would you like some?'' and you look at Misty before nodding ''Well, I have always had a soft spot for cake'' you say with a smile 

Cordelia and Misty chuckle and you follow their lead towards the stairs before stopping and asking ''Hold up, are you two engaged?'' you ask after realizing that Misty is wearing the exact same ring as Cordelia. 

The supreme had already been halfway down the stairs at this point, when she heard your question and she turns around with a slightly worried and shocked expression, leaving the explaining up to Misty.

''We don't really like labels and stuff you know, it's more of a promise'' she explains and you smile softly and reply ''I am happy for you both'' before adding ''Truly'' as you see Cordelia's expression and that she still seems so nervous and unsure about all of this.

As you walk down the stairs of the academy, you feel relieved and you can't help but feel like this is a new start on your journey and that maybe there is no need to hide anymore and just avoid the academy whenever you are in New Orleans, and that instead you truly do have a second home to go to. 

You see Madison and the girls bringing some cakes and cutlery into the living room before Zoe sees you and quickly scans the faces of you, Cordelia, and Misty. You see a little relieved smile as she sees no sign of any negative emotions. ''All okay?'' she mouths and looks at you and you smile and nod ''All okay''.

''By the way, Y/N didn't you mention a plus one, Zoe is still waiting for her present'' Madison says while carrying some brownies that she made for Zoe into the large dining room.

''Madison that is not true?!'' Zoe scolds and Misty can't help but laugh at the blonde's boldness. 

''Um yeah- I am not sure where she -'' you are about to say but you are quickly interrupted when you hear a knock on the front door but the door already being open and it creaking open slightly.

As you see some familiar hands wrap around the slightly parted door, pushing it open you can't help but chuckle as the universe keeps managing to find these perfect moments. 

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