Third period

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Hey Alex! Glad u r enjoying it! :) <3



Alex's P.O.V

We walked into the history class room and sat at the very front because as soon as that bell went we were running!

When the teacher walked in she sat down and looked at us.

"Page 394" she said without even a hello.

I flicked the pages of my book until I came to 394. I looked up at the teacher signaling I was their.

"Read the text then answer questions 9 to 31. Anyone who does not finish will have to do it for homework." She said bluntly.

I looked down at my book and then over to Chloe. She rolled her eyes and started on question 9.

*20 minutes later*

I looked up at the clock and back down at my book. I had only done about 5 questions and I was so over it. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and sat it on my leg as I checked my Facebook account.

12 other people in the same class as me right now were online! I looked around the room and everyone seemed to be on their phone.

I pulled my earphones out of my left pocket and pushed the white thing into my ears. I tapped on the little music app and started to play some Wiley music.

By the time my Wiley playlist finished the period was almost over. I pulled out the ear plugs and put my phone back in my pocket.

I nudged Chloe who also was on Facebook and pointed to the clock. He eyes lit up and we frantically packed up our desks.

We looked around and everyone one els was too busy listening to music, checking their messages or on Facebook to notice the time.

Chloe and I sat staining at the clock, not taking our eyes of it for a minute! As soon as the bell rang we jumped up and ran out of the room.

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