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My life was pretty normal, I had no bullies, I lived a peaceful life in Florida and I had a few friends. Anyways, lets start at the beginning.

That morning was supposed to  be the day my friend and I were going to a party. We had agreed we'd sneak out later that night and go to it. Everyone was supposed to be going, there was going to be drinking, there were going to be cute boys, and even cuter girls. There was supposed to be music and dancing and fun. I was so excited, I jumped out of bed and put on some different clothes, I thought I'd take a shower later tonight considering the party isn't until late.

"Dad!" I call, " Mom." I rang out, my voice echoing through the house. No one answers. Maybe they are out? But they hardly ever go out. TI shrugged and moved on. I take some cereal from the cabinet and pour it in the bowl with some milk, eating quietly I go to switch the T.V. on in the living room, it is across from me, but I can see it from where I am. I click the button, but nothing happens, with a sigh I give up and also realize that the lights are not working either. 

After retreating back into my room and finding that also my laptop was rendered useless, I decide that going outside is the only answer. I open the door and step out onto the porch, the suburban neighborhood is usually crawling with young children or people mowing their lawns or sitting out in the sun. Yet, everything is still. I look around and it feel's strange, my heart is racing and I try to calm myself yet nothing is working. I am so afraid, yet I see no reason to be afraid and my brain has yet to inform me of why I'm so scared. My fright is soon turned into a realization, the recognition of not seeing a single human frightens me. But I shake off the thought of everyone on the block being gone. There is no way they are gone. 

I step off the porch and climb into my car, mom and dad wont mind if I just run to to see Patches very quickly. The car starts up and I  pull out of the drive into the rode. I drive along my street seeing no one. Not a soul. It's not long before I am on the main rode and see exactly what I saw before. Nothing.

I drive out towards the stables Patches is kept in with lots of other horses. The woman who owns the stable is a very close friend of my mother's and allows me to keep Patches there for free, we just have to feed him, shoe him, saddle him, and everything else.  At least we have a place to keep him. Even though Patches has gotten sorta old at 28, he is still lively and kind. Which is not too bad at all, especially since he is in good shape, but he has bad joints and does not like to run or trot. He can be ridden at a walk for some time but after 20 minutes he gets sore and stops moving. So he has been retired to the pasture. I'm just glad I get to see him still, he practically raised me. My mother got him for me when I was 9 and I have loved him since.  I pull into the  drive for the stables, there are three, long, and very large stables all right next to each other, but I see no one. There are usually people all around, mucking stalls, practicing in the rings. As I check my  clock in my car I am even more stunned. It's 12 in the afternoon, normally the horse owners are out here before daylight.

This is getting weird. I stop my car and climb out, horses are neighing from every direction it seems, as they usually are. I walk into the middle stable, the one that Patches is in, stable number 7. I walk to him and he sticks his neck out very far to see me, and greets me with a light nicker. The other horses look at me hopefully. I sigh. Do they really expect me to feed all of them? I should wait, maybe I missed a message about not coming in early today.  Though I must admit, I am very worried. All the horses look unsettled as well, but they might just be hungry. 

I look around a corner of the barn and see no one, I then run all the way to the other end and check the next barn, no one. I check the third barn and there is no one. I smile, maybe this is my chance. I walk to a stable a few doors down and WarHead, a huge black Warmblood stallion brought in 4 months ago peers down at me. He has been getting training from a very good trainer who is teaching him to jump very high, Olympic type jumps. My heart races at the thought of riding him in the paddock. I gaze around again, then look back at Warhead. He seems impatient. I quickly feed Patches and Warhead, plus horses that are in the barn, I don't like hearing them whine and get jealous. By the time I am done, Patches and Warhead have finished eating their share and it is 12:45. I sigh, and though I am tired from running back and forth carrying feed buckets,  Warhead puts new vigor into me. I apologize to Patches but he seems not to care. Then I saddle and bridle the brute and lead him to the paddock, there are already jumps set up. Warhead prances next to me excitedly, he is as anxious as I am. I lead him over to a mounting block and jump on. He is strong and dangerous and I feel powerful on his back. As I urge him to warm up in a circle I remember how if Mrs. Daisy, the woman who owns Warhead and pays for $500 training sessions, saw me she would be so upset. I let the thought ease away as Warhead glides over the first jump with ease, we are both very pumped now, and nothing would stop us from the second jump. We soar. His legs pump without trouble and his breath is even with mine, then the third jump and the fourth, then we start over from the beginning. Running around endlessly as one whole being. Some horses in nearby stables peer out to watch us.

 By the time he is worn out, I am as well. I had actually expected someone to catch me riding and to tell me to stop. Yet still I see no one. Not a soul. I lead Warhead back into the stable and un-tack him then brush him down a bit. He seems grateful. His breath is a little more labored and he is sweaty. His dark coat outlines the areas where his thick veins pop out. I walk out of the stable and decide that I should feed the other horses in the two remaining barns. Who else is going to do it anyways? It takes so much energy out of me to carry all the buckets back and forth,and back and forth but finally, I am done and all the horses are happy and fed. I check the time to see it is already 3 in the afternoon, I start to panic, if mom and dad get home and see I'm not there they will be so angry. I say a quick goodbye to Patches by giving him a treat and hugging him around the neck, then I jump in my car and speed off. I go a little over the speed limit because no one is on the road. I'm actually starting to wonder if maybe today was some kind of off day. Maybe I missed the memo? Maybe everyone was supposed to stay home today? But then where are mom and dad? Everything about today just seems to make no sense.

I pulled into the drive and saw that still, no one was to be seen. I'm starting to worry, and I pick the phone up to try and call someone, 911, mom, dad, the neighbor,  anyone. But the phone won't even turn on, the electricity must be out, and they needed everyone in town to come and fix it? That's crazy, but not as crazy as everyone disappearing over night....

I lay in my bed, just laying there, not moving, contemplating what could possibly be happening. Where is everyone? If they went somewhere they would warn me... I don't understand... 

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