Chapter 7

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I woke from sleep with tears in my eyes, I wiped them with lazy muscles . I must have been dreaming of something sad, but I could recall having no dreams. Patches was still laying down on his side. I stood up fearfully and tapped his stomach and whistled. His ear twitched but he didn't move. I felt a touch of worry nip my heart, but tried to brush it away and say that he was simply still sore and would regain himself soon. I started walking around the store and realized that it was rather early, the sun was hardly awake. I was startled when Phantom appeared down an aisle and started walking towards. I patted his nose once he was close enough and he seemed very grateful for attention. I then walked towards the front of the store, looking through the glass doors and peering as far as I could around the corner. I saw nothing but concrete and an empty parking lot. I reached over on a shelf and got the keys to the door, I glanced at Phantom nervously and then unlocked the door. I walked out of the door way very timidly and peered around again, and once more. I saw nothing. Phantom snorted. It startled me, and I jumped, but turned to pat his nose with a sigh of relief. I walked now towards the truck and trailer, still very weary of the area. I walked towards the truck and opened the front door, looked around and decided to open the back trailer as well. I knew I was being paranoid. There was no way wolves could get into a vehicle, but I couldn't help but feel like prey. I walked back and opened up the trailer and it was empty as could be. Once it was opened Phantom started walking into it. I laughed at him, perhaps it was time to go.

I walked into the store were Patches was still laying down. Now I was very worried. I walked up to him and tugged on his mane, asking him to get to his feet. He sat up, but remained on the ground. I felt very afraid for him, yet I was thankful he sat up. I decided he just needed time.I walked outside and Phantom kept at my heels. I walked to the trailer and grabbed out a large tin bowl, the tried to find some water. I eventually found just a case of bottled waters in a storage area and filled it with all of those, then place the tin next to were Patches was lying. He made no move for the water, and was laying back on his side when I gave it to him. I sighed and turned towards the exit of the store, perhaps I needed to just give him some space. I started walking outside but before I did, I turned towards a crashing sound in the closet area, I jumped and heard Phantom spook behind me. I walked to the closet and opened the door slowly, but all I saw were rats running about. I sighed with relief and began to close the door, but before I did I noticed a very large contraption. It was on wheels and looked like something for moving about very large products. I titled my head at it and grabbed a rail that was attached to it. It was like a trolley cart, but absolutely gigantic. I pulled it out of the closet and rolled it around. Then got an idea.

First thing I did was grab a halter from a rack, and placed it on Patches. I rolled the cart closer to him and placed many blankets and padded things to soften it the metal trolley.Then tugged and pulled on the halter rather aggressively. He pulled against me at first, but he moved one hoof out from under him and I kept tugging. Eventually he got to his wobbly feet with a large huff. I knew he wouldn't stay up long with the way he looked, so I quickly clicked my tongue and pointed at the trolley. He shook his mane and went to get on it. I tried hard to make it stable, afraid he would shy from it if it moved. Thankfully, he made it onto the trolley and it was just big enough for him to fit on, he laid on it and huffed ungratefully. I smiled at him, thankful he was able to do as I wished. I started to push him towards the door, where he could get sunlight. Yet, he was incredibly heavy. I started labored breathing and sweat began to form, but thankfully Patches was too worn down to be afraid, or to even try and complain. I huffed and after what felt like forever, I pushed him out into the sunlight.He didn't seem to even notice. He seemed like he was a different horse. His eyes were dull and I was scared. Very scared. I sighed and left him on the cart, not fearful he would get off,he seemed too weak.

I spent the rest of that day dreaming about my mother and father and gathering water and food for me and the horses, Phantom spent most of this time grazing in the nearby field, but he seemed skittish. Most likely afraid the wolves would come back some time. Once the sun started plunging downward and I rolled Patches back into the store. I was scared, I know that if a horse lies down for too long it could seriously hurt itself. I wasn't sure why, but it's something that happens. I found blankets for myself and grabbed lots of food and water to guzzle down, today had taken a lot out of me. Thankfully this place sold an assortment of biscuits and canned goods. Plus a number of nutrition bars. I feasted on a can of corn and a bottle of water, then had a nutrition bar. After that I fell asleep.                                                  

  ( For this part if you want the full effect listen to this*: * I suggest starting at 1:00 but that's depending on how fast a reader you are. )


In my dream Patches was a colt. Young, youthful. Even though I had never met him when he was a colt, I could imagine it perfectly.  His coat was without scars and it was white as the driven snow and then deep red on his painted spots. I ran around with him and he nickered, full of energy. He bucked and romped with me in a wheat field that went on forever. Running around me in a circle, quick and agile as he was. I giggled and spun in a circle to keep up with him, eventually I just put my arms out and spun around. Then he whinnied as if he were laughing too. It was peaceful, and like a special heaven. There was nothing in this field but a small running brooke and one swaying oak tree that we were enjoying the shade of. He walked up to me and allowed me to pat his soft and small nose. I smiled at him and hugged him around the neck, he rubbed his face to mine and if horses could smile, I knew he would be. He nipped my jeans and began to frolick playfully in the other direction, I followed him willingly, enjoying his game. I ran with him, and kept speed with his long legs, and was never winded. He seemed the same. I ran beside him and it seemed as if nothing would ever slow us down.

 Then Patches stopped romping, he simply stopped moving, and he laid on the ground. Once he did he changed, became old again, and he breathed heavily and laid on his side. The wind picked up and the clouds began to roll in, dark and menacing.  A deep breath of cold icy air touched my skin and I gasped at the suddenness of it. I began breathing heavy, trying to understand what was happening. Patches neighed again, this time in distress, and when I turned to him his face was gone and he had a skull in place of his head. I tried to scream, but when I did nothing happened, I could not move or speak. He lay there, and then in one quick moment he was a skeleton. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw a pack of wolves come out of the shadows, growling and snarling. I found my muscles stiff and I could not move. They ran towards Patches bones and began gnawing on them and carrying away parts of his body. I cried silently, unable to do anything for him, my heart raced with fear and terror all at once. They seemed to laugh, and finally, I was able to scream. 


I sat up quickly in my makeshift bed and my scream echoed in the store. I rubbed my eyes and realized the sun was already up. I yawned and stretched, thinking about my odd dream.  I looked around for Patches and then remembered I had rolled him closer to the back of the store for some reason. Phantom trotted to me and was looking at me fearfully, I must have spooked him. I sighed and patted his nose. He snorted and pawed the floor. I looked at him confusingly. He nudged me with his nose urgently and then ran to the back of the store where Patches was. My eyes grew wide. I threw my covers from my body and I ran behind him as fast as I could. When I entered the aisle that Patches was in, all I could see was his back, and he still lay upon the cart. I fought back tears as I stepped towards him hopefully, yet fearfully. Slowly I reached over; I touched his back, and then touched his leg. He was completely stiff.

I collapsed.

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