Chapter 1 - Chevalier

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(Che-val-yay) definitions- 


B-Low rank of French Nobility


(FN) took a look at his necklace underneath the collar of his shirt. Seeing the silver chain that was connecting him to his I.S. unit. Chevalier. A green colored unit with a big sword. Classes were getting out and he was going to take his things in room 1031. But there was something that made him dreadfully nervous. Ichika was rooming in a different dorm. So they weren't roommates. It really meant that his roommate was going to be a girl. 

Okay. Let's see. What are the chances it's Houki? Sweet, but that may have changed over time. She might be sassy. I hope not though. What about Reen? She's a twin-tailed fireball, but she can be soft-spoken when she wants to. Then that's it. I wonder who it will be. He closed his eyes to give himself a second. 

"Surprise." A girl with light blue hair said behind him.

"Yikes!" He turned around very surprised. "Who are you?"

"I'm Tatenashi. Class President. I'm here to show you your roommate and give you a hand." This girl was bubbly, busty, and full of energy. She could eat him right up. 

"Okay then. I packed light and I'll get the rest later." He replied to her.

"That's good. Less heavy lifting for me."

She one of those that are strong and they play it off? Big Cuz told me about people like them. Chifuyu told me that Houki is that way. I'm sure there are more. But okay. This chick with the blue hair looks like she means business despite being friendly. But playful too? At least she comes off that way.

Tatenashi lead him to room 1031 with his bag dropping off at the door. That said, she knocked on the door. "Oh Frenchy."

"Pardon me a wee moment." Called a voice. She opened the door. "Hello there. Oh." Surprised to see the other male student with a bag. "Good evening, I am Charlotte Dunois."

He saw the French blonde girl. Easy to notice around the school. "Evening. (FN) (LN)."

"So, the two of you get comfortable, get things sorted, and have a good night. I have a meeting to attend. Bye now." Tatenashi waved and walked off happily. 

(FN) got his bag inside and walked over to the bed that was not occupied. Throwing his back on top and going from there. "Sorry if this is awkward. Though it's an honor having the French Contender as a roommate."

"But aren't you the Orge Chevalier?" She asked.

He smirked. "Yeah, still. I don't know how my cousin and I got this ability unless his big sister helped us out. Just glad to be apart of this. You saved me more than you know it."

"Oui. Especially since that makes two of us." She smiled.

"Really Charlotte?" He asked.

"There is this thing that goes on with my father. He wants to use me for political gain. The I.S. Academy gives both of us protection." Smiled Charlotte.

"Yeah. Sure enough it does for political AND personal reasons. Chifuyu hates my mother because she wants to marry me off. And with I.S. units from different nations and some unknown, Albert wants an edge. Right?"

"You know my father?" She pondered.

"I've heard of him. A while back I was actually jealous of I.S. pilots and picked up some books. I've heard the name Albert Dunois. I just one and two together right now. But hey we are both in the same boat. Except I'm supposed to cater to a girl that's a total brat and you're used as a tool of some sort. But hey, I got your back. So, let's try and get along. Sorry the arrangements are like this."

"No need to worry. I think we are to stick together. Rafele and Orge Chevalier should make a good spar as well. Oui?" That sounds like a good challenge.

"If we ever can get permission for a practice arena, you are so on. But for now let's get everything straightened up here before the semester really starts. Something tells me we are going to get slammed with work. And there are too many representative contenders or personal I.S. users here to make it a dull moment. Houki and Reen which I know to a point, Laura, Tatenashi, Kanzashi, and there might be another one on the rise. Who knows. There could be a South Korean, Italian, Polish, or even an American." (You know who I'm talking about. Love yas.)

"Oui. Very true. So, do you mind if I shower first? 8 o'clock and you can use whenever outside of that?" Charlotte proposed.

"That's fair." He nodded.

"So, if there are any questions about anything you let me know. And, if there is something about Japanese culture I need help with can you assist?" 

"Of course I can. My door is always open. And I will be respectful as possible here. One day at a time. Let's overthink this. Let's just have fun with it."

Charlotte smiled. "Good idea. So, dinner and a movie afterwards? We got plenty of time."

"You are so on." He wasn't worried about unpacking now. Things were going just fine. Charlotte was smooth and this time was going to be great for the both of them. Even though this is all unexpected with the gender barrier.


Chifuyu was in her lab and looking over the I.S. unit that belonged to her cousin. The big eastern style sword with a slight curve to it along with shotguns with solid and spray rounds. The green colors gave it the name Ogre Chevalier. Going through the specs she had company with her. A row of guests. Miss Yamada, Tatenashi, and even the creator of the I.S. known as Tabane The Genius. 

"He sure has a lot of work cut out for him." Chifuyu sighed. "Although, I'm more worried about my brother."

"Aren't you being a little harsh on Ich-coon?" Asked Tabane.

"You think he can swing a sword when he stopped kendo years ago? Let alone shooting. He's got aim like a Stormtrooper when I say to pass the butter at the table." Chifuyu replied with a huff.

"The boys need work. They'll come around." Tatenashi wanted to be positive. So far so good. Yet, she knew that the expectations for both of the boys would be rather high. Something that she knew was going to take time. With Ichika having more on the line, it was going to make things harder. All (FN) had to do was marry a woman before graduating.

"So this is it." Stared Yamada at the unit. "You going over specs or modifying?"

"I wouldn't mod anything until he's used to it. Otherwise it would make it just harder. Particularly when I would need his device. If you or Tatenashi would like grab it off of his neck be my guest." It blatant terms, no way that's happening.

"Well that means I-" Yamada blushed. "I'd have to crawl in his bed and use my hands..."

"Alright. Have you been reading that manga again?"


"Like I said, he's not for sale. And neither is Ichika and he is the better ladies man suited for the job. Trust me." Chifuyu stepped away from the computer to sigh in relief. "Anything comes up you let me know. Still little to know about this unit. I still don't know how and where he found it. All I know is his story and the report. Which I really don't trust."

Little did I know that Chifuyu was looking for something important in his I.S. unit. I was nervous after that conversation she had. Afterwards I became nervous. Regarding his safety, there was even a time when she herself was worried. And that's with Chifuyu not having her guard up. She is typically aggressive and no nonsense. This issue she was saddened and it was filled with complications. 


What is it?


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