1) The Awaking

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In the deep blackout the girl's voice heard by a man, A real man with no synthetic parts in body probably the last one of his clan called Hunter

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In the deep blackout the girl's voice heard by a man, A real man with no synthetic parts in body probably the last one of his clan called Hunter.
Again the voice in head,"wake up hunter. Wake up!!!"

As the softness of the voice decreased, that voice became demonic. Hunter opened his eyes in fear and was astonished to see the front sight.
The ship's controls are broken the ship is also broken like a big fight just happened. Floor is flooded with blood and dead bodies of vultures ( the animal like human beings with head of vulture , they are pirates).

After seeing this the Hunter murmured "what the hell happened here?"

"Aah. "Hunter sighed in pain and said "feels like my lung is puncture, aahh..." He pressed wound in the torso and started walking to inspect the area. He took the lazer handgun in other hand .

His head was doomed like he just died and returned to his body

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His head was doomed like he just died and returned to his body . He started thinking ' who was the girl calling my name? Why am I here? Did I just killed those 100 vultures? How they entered in my ship? Is this my ship? '

" Ofcourse this is my ship!!" He shouted afer seeing his clan symbol on wall.

He then pressed button on his wrist .
'"Delta , can you copy ."

"Yes boss" the women voice come from the AI in the Armor.

"Good, can you tell me status and what just happened here?" Hunter asked.

"you have 2 fractures and lung puncture with 30% loss of blood. I have healed the fractures and healing lung injuries is in progress. Also I have a recording of last 2 hours Do you want to play it boss?"Delta asked.

"Go ahead. "hunter replied

The recording started

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The recording started. ( hunter entered in ship and sit on control chair and instantaneously 2 flashbangs knocked on floor . When he comes in conscious he saw 100 vultures pointing guns towards him and his hands tied to chair . "Longtime no see , jerk!" The vulture chief said .

"To be honest I wasn't expecting you." Hunter replied.

"Ha ha ! Well you know there is 15 million bounty on your head plus your ship is also... Expensive. So, no hard feelings pal, I will be quick." Vulture chief said while clicking gun safety.

"are you sure you want to do this?" Hunter asked.

"Hell yeah!" He replied.

" Ok then Delta, Activate combat mode ."Hunter said.

At the instant the laser handgun appeared in hunter's hand and his helmet flashed bright light then all lights on ship goes off. Vulture turned on the torch but the hunter was gone .

"Find and kill hi....' Before completing the laser blasted the chiefs head from nowhere and then ambush takes place. Screams , gunshots, lasershots, knives sound and thud , thud the vultures are dropping dead on the floor . As ambush continues the last remaining 2 vultures managed to catch hunter and one banged on the helmet while other emptied entire magazine on his armour . Hunter pulls out the knife and stabbed one while other was electrocuted by armour . The all three dropped on floor. Recording ended.)

"The recording ended also the healing process complete. What's next order boss?" delta asked.

"Scan the ship system , we have to keep moving before more trouble comes ." Hunter replied.

"Copy that boss." Delta replied.

I have to keep moving. But who was the girl calling my name ? I have to find . I don't remember why there is bounty on my head? I have to find the answers. hunter was thinking and then ship thrusters ignited and ship vanished in second.

To be continued

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To be continued.....


( Hello guys!!
Hope you enjoyed the   story :) 
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I didn't write the prologue because I thought this story didn't need any. Besides, who want to read boring prologue and spoil the joy and amazement of story.

Surely, I will update the prologue if you want. Just message in comments.
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