red and blue: a colour analysis - ORIGINAL PROSE

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colours, how they make infinity worth its weight in gold.
let me tell you about my favourite colour, and her: the girl who lived in blue, who thrived in blue, who was blue.
red used to be my favourite colour, I loved it to death, but now I want my whole world to be painted blue. blue like the skies as day fades to night, blue like the sea as the sun bounces off its waves, but blue like her eyes, which wrinkle at their edges every time she laughs.
her hair was blue like a butterfly's wings, fluttering by upon soft, subtle winds. her eyes were blue like the hidden depths where fish inhabit the shipwrecks of old. blue like her nails, coated in sparkles and glitter. blue like her jumper, which was two sizes too big for her. blue like the walls of her apartment, with paint cracking at the corners. blue like the jewel which hung around her neck, a gift from a man she loved more than anyone or anything.
red, why did I love it before, you may ask?
all because of him.
red was his shirt, which clung to his body in all the right ways. red was his hair, pale, dusty, a muted boldness with captivated the bright, wide smile filling in the empty space on his face. red were the watercolour stains upon his old jeans, where paint forever marked the fabric from his creative process, his skin poking through cigarette holes and and torn material. red was his blood, from a graze here and a cut there, where his adventurous and eventful life sought to teach him the perils of standing too close to the cliff's edge. as the daredevil he was, he dangled over the edge and yelled, with as much thrill in his voice as he could muster, that death could take him then and there.
it never did, but I had to look away, fear holding a tight, icy grip on my heart. still, inside, I dreamed I was like him, and I too had the courage to fly when I knew I would fall.
an analysis of red and blue, I end with a few things: I'll never look at these colours again, hoping to live in blue, and die in red.

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