Chapter 4: It's Familiar...

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After work, as I started walking back home to my father's house, (I had moved out of my house that Fritz and I used to live in together. Too many memories...), Mike grabbed my shoulder.
"Wait, Jere!" he said.
I stopped.
"W-What?" I asked.
"Wanna come over, maybe watch a movie or something?" Mike asked.
It was odd he was being so nice to me like this...
I really wanted to watch a movie with him, but...
My dad...
He would kill me if I came home late!
"C-Can't. M-My dad w-would actually k-kill me t-this time!" I said, starting to bite at my already-way-too-short fingernails. Mike looked worried.
"What the hell do you mean, actually kill you this time?" he asked.
I blew my cover...
Fritz was the only person I trusted enough to know I was abused...
Was I actually starting to treat Mike like I treated Fritz?
Promise y-you won't t-tell..." I said.
Should I trust Mike like this?
"Promise, man." Mike said, holding out his pinkie.
He was gonna pinkie promise?
I put my hand out and interlocked my pinkie with his.
"M-My father h-has been a-abusing me s-since I w-was younger.
H-He killed my m-mother."
Mike's eyes widened.
'Don't cry, you wimp...' I thought to myself, holding back a river of tears.
It was hard talking about my mom.
My father beat her to death, as he also plans to do to me.
"I'm so sorry..." Mike said, getting closer to me.
He looked down into my eyes, which where now gushing with tears.
Then, he hugged me.
We just stood there, the crispy cold wind blowing through my dark brown hair.
The hug lasted a few minutes, until I pulled away.
"M-Mike, you're a-acting really s-strange..." I said.
He just stared at me, flabbergasted.
"No, I'm not." he simply replied.
"Y-Yes, you are." I replied once more.
"Fine, want to know why I'm acting strange?" he said, a tone of anger in his voice.
I nodded my head.
"Because I feel bad for you! I know what it's like to lose the one you love!" he exclaimed.
"And guess what?!"
"W-What?" I asked.
"I need a friend too." he said, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
"Now c'mon, Jeremy. I'm not allowing you to go back to your asshole father's house." Mike said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to his car.
As we pulled onto Mike's street, something seemed... weird.
I recognized all these houses.
When Mike pulled into his driveway, my eyes widened.
Mike lived right next to where Fritz and I used to live.
I sat there in shock, staring at the house.
"Jeremy, you okay?" Mike asked.
I suddenly snapped back to reality.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I said.
"Good, let's go inside." Mike said, exiting the car and opening my door for me.

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