#1 - A Day With The Hulk

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Summer's sun painted a tropical paradise in an almost heavenly glow. Waves nuzzled against sand whilst children in straw hats ran far along the coast, much to the chagrin of their parents). Some were content to simply bask in the light, laying on their backs and soak in sunshine. Others sculpted sandcastles as if they were some grand form of architecture. All were having a great time.

Sakura and the Hulk certainly turned heads and made scoops of ice cream drop as they arrived. He towered above even the tallest of normal men, and she was a cute high-schooler sitting on his shoulders.
"This view's amazing. I think I can see my house from here."
"Would puny girl please get off Hulk's shoulders?" Hulk asked, grumbling.

"Lighten up, Mr. Hulk. The Avengers said a trip to the beach would you some good. Hey, maybe it'll help with the whole you being angry all the time thing."

At Sakura's request, the duo stopped for ice cream in front of a vendor's stall. There had been a line from the stall to the other side of the beach, but everyone cleared to make way for the Hulk. Most likely out of fear rather than respect.

"Oh. My. God." Sakura paused between every word for added emphasis, surprised by who was behind the counter. "Laura, is that you?"
"Trust me, if I had the choice I would not be working here, but mutants need summer jobs too apparently." Her arm rested on her cheek, Laura sighed. "So, what do you two want?"
"I'll have a double chocolate scoop with chocolate sauce and chocolate sprinkles!"
"Hulk will have a raspberry popsicle," Hulk added.
"We just ran out of raspberry popsicles."
For a split second there was absolute tranquillity. And then, anger.
"YOU RAN OUT OF RASPBERRY POPSICLES? BUT HULK LOVE RASPBERRY POPSICLES!" He bellowed. Sakura began to sweat with worry. Her and Laura feared the worst. Instead of flying into another of his trademark fits of rage, Hulk calmly asked:
"Do you have any blueberry popsicles?"

Sakura would have fallen over if she wasn't sitting down. Laura nodded and handed both of them their frozen treats before whispering something to Hulk that his nosy companion tried her hardest to hear.
"Think you can get a good word in about me being in the next Marvel vs. game?"
"Hulk will see what he can do."
After saying goodbyes, the two went on their way. Laura was left to serve the (seemingly) thousands of potential customers. As if having to serve ice cream to the Hulk wasn't bad enough.

"Mr. Hulk, look! They're having a sandcastle contest!" Sakura noted by way of clever segue. "Mr Hulk" scoffed. He seemed to consider such childish antics beneath him, until he laid eyes upon a sandcastle even huger than him. It was more than a castle. It was a veritable fortress, surrounded by a makeshift moat. Hulk was lost for words. Causing him to be even more in awe were the two youngsters overlooking their masterpiece. His attention soon shifted from them to a youth approaching the fortress, armed with a machine gun and wearing a leather jacket.
"Uh oh." Sakura gulped. "I don't like the look of this. Should we do something?"
"No. We watch. For now."

Sure enough, Sakura's suspicions were confirmed. Gunfire reigned and the youth revelled in his own awfulness, cackling like a maniac. What was once a majestic fortification fit for a king had been reduced to clumps of sand.
"Now you two don't stand a chance of winning the competition!" He cackled some more.

"You're such a meanie, Brandon," one of the two youngsters said between sniffles.
The green giant looked over to Sakura. They shared a look of mutual disaffection for Brandon. This time, Hulk wasn't the only one angry.

"Bully have name?"
"Yes. Yes he does."
"Should we go teach bully a lesson?"
"Yeah. We should."

Brandon turned around to see what was casting such a massive shadow over him. Hulk and Sakura grinned. That was the last thing he saw before being punted into the horizon by the former's punch and the latter's Hadoken, landing with a far-off splash.

"T-thank you. Brandon's always terrorizing our sandcastles just 'cause he's a bigger kid and can pick on us."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about him," Sakura assured, kneeling down to the other youngster's level. "He won't be bothering you for a long time. Now, let's rebuild that sandcastle!"
Hulk, Sakura, and two of the most adorable little youngsters she'd ever seen slaved away for hours and hours until they had created something arguably better than a fortress: A five-storey sand mansion complete with sand palm trees and a rooftop pool! Needless to say, they took first place.

The day was drawing to a close. An unlikely pair sat and admired summer's setting sun, seafoam softly brushing against his bare feet and her red Converses. "I had a fun time." Sakura smiled. She admired her shiny badge from winning the sandcastle contest then looked over at Hulk. "We should do this more often...Hey Mr. Hulk, what are you doing with that rock?" He squinted, swung around in a circular motion, and lobbed said rock even further than he'd punted Brandon. Sakura was more than impressed. Astonishment soon turned to horror. "Oh no." Sakura's eyes widened. A tidal wave caused by Hulk's throw came crashing down, leaving her and her alone soaked from head to toe. The Hulk giggled at her.
"Puny girl right! Beach is fun!"

NEXT: X-Men's Lady Deathstrike VS Resident Evil's Lady Dimitrescu! 

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