#4 - Paradise? Part 1

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It had been a fun past few months, but the summer was drawing to a close. Days no longer as short as they used to be. Temperatures, though still warm, were nowhere near their July peak. Most people's hearts filled with sadness at the thought of such an eventful summer ending so soon.

The self-professed strongest woman in the world (and she'd proven herself worthy of that title on countless occasions) stretched out on a lounge chair, taking in the last of the summer sun. Her skin glowed against the backdrop of sun and sea. Chun-Li was one person who did not wish the summer to leave so early. As an agent of INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) total relaxation was a precious commodity. Her job was exciting, more often than she'd like on occasion. Sometimes Chun-Li didn't want to save the world; she just wanted to sit down and watch clouds go by while sipping on a Pina Colada.

Chun-Li's time alone was rudely interrupted by a stray beach ball to the head. She nearly spat out her drink as she looked into the direction the ball had bounced from, ready to give whoever sent it her way a piece of her mind...

Until she saw who threw it. A woman walked over, blushing in embarrassment. Chun-Li immediately recognised the young blonde as her fellow street fighter and close friend, Cammy.

"Sorry, Chunners. Elena and I are playing volleyball against the X-Men, and I might have gotten a bit carried away. Hope it didn't hurt too much."

"It's alright." Chun-Li huffed with only slight agitation. She couldn't possibly be mad at her closest friend, especially over what was most likely just an accident. Looking over her friend's shoulder, Chun-Li could see Rogue and Jubilee playing for the X-Men, which was funny because she'd gone shopping with Jubilee just last week. But that's a story for another time. Seeing the two X-Girls brought Chun-Li's mind out of the moment.

Earlier that afternoon, while she was lounging about (as she'd been doing since morning), a man had given her, free of charge, three tickets to stay at Los Angeles' newest luxurious hotel for two days. Strangely enough, she could've sworn the man looked exactly like her old adversary, Vega. Although that may have just been the sun in her eyes. And she had been squinting. Chun-Li sensed something eerie. She had to investigate, and it couldn't hurt to not do so alone with a friend or two. While she hoped for the best, that she was merely paranoid, things were rarely so easy. So much for total relaxation. An INTERPOL agent's work is never done.

"Hey," Chun-Li said, suddenly sitting up, "I've got two tickets to this new hotel not far from here. Wanna come with?"

"Oh, I'd love to!"

Chun-Li beamed.

"But me and the girls already planned to visit the mall.."

Her smile was replaced by a pout.

And so Chun-Li went to pester Guile, who was busy enjoying a gloriously American cheeseburger at a food hut. He looked out of place sitting next to regular people with regularly sized muscles.

"Oh Guile!~" She called his name in a singsong manner. Guile turned around, regardless of his mouth being half full. To him, Chun-Li was, as always, being annoyingly adorable. He hurriedly swallowed down a chunk of beef before addressing her.

"What do you want, Chun-Li? You know how much I hate being interrupted."

Chun-Li skipped forwards so that she was standing next to a stone-faced Guile. "Just wondering. I've got a spare ticket to that hotel, you know, the one that just opened?"

"Yeah, I know the one."

"Wanna come with?"


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