#2 - Showdown!

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"Greetings. I am Uatu, the Watcher. My sworn duty is usually to oversee and chronicle events taking place in my universe, known as Earth-616. Today, however, I have found a job that pays a considerable bit more." The Watcher spoke into a microphone lined with gold, as his pockets would soon be.

For those watching at home, the view of Venice Beach would pan out to reveal two women on either side of each other. one clearly much taller and staring the other down. Both had sets of retractable claws that itched to dig into the other. A large crowd had formed to bear witness to the event, packing the beach to the point where anyone not there to watch the legendary fight were cleared away to make room.

"On the left," Uatu spoke, his voice fittingly grandiose for an announcer, "weighing in at 128 lbs and standing at 5'9, with claws made from adamantium, one of the deadliest metals known to man, and agility far beyond that of any regular human, the killer assassin Lady Deathstrike!"

Cheering came from her side of the beach (as it had essentially been divided between the two groups of fans). Yuriko, although she much preferred her alias, smirked at her crowd. In that crowd were the Reavers, a group she had once been a part of, along with their leader Donald Pierce. Some of Marvel's most recognisable heroes and villains, from Spider-Man to Dr Doom had also attended. Not because they were particularly chummy with Lady Deathstrike, they would just rather see her win than some random tall lady.

"And on the right, standing at a colossal 9'6, with similarly fashioned claws and a horn- I mean loyal following and coming from a lineage of nobility, Countess Alcina Dimitrescu!"
Lady D's crowd was much louder, their cheers sounding more like deafening screams of joy. She opened her arms as if to welcome their chants, although if she listened more intently she would have heard some of her more "excited" fans shouting lewd requests.

Between the women was a net firmly dug into the sand.

"Uatu, what is the purpose of all of this?" Lady Deathstrike asked with a blush, feeling the swimsuit she'd been encouraged to wear by the producers was much too tight and showed off a lot of unnecessary skin. Not very combat-efficient.
"What's the matter, dearie? Afraid you'll lose?" Alcina teased. She turned to her audience, chest bent ever so slightly forward, and that titillating display alone was enough to send them into roaring applause. Little did they know she aimed to show her gratitude to them by draining their life force. Little did she know they would find that a turn-on. Such applause, so much louder than Lady Deathstrike's audience that they virtually sounded like crickets in comparison, only served to further irritate her.
"Fool! Yuriko Oyama loses to no one!" Yuriko's steely gaze towards Lady D was as strong, if not stronger, than her confidence.
"We shall see about that," the Countess responded, hiding a slightly bruised pride with a smile.

Once the two ladies stopped staring daggers at each other and the less sane crowd had finally shut up, Uatu could begin to explain things.
"This battle will consist of three rounds. Round one will be a one-on-one volleyball match. Round two will be a game of basketball, the winner being the first to score three times. And last, but certainly not least, the REAL fight."

Both fighters awaited that part most eagerly. Yes, the standard sporting activities would be nice, but what they truly looked forward to was indulging in the pleasure of violence for violence's sake. In a way, this fight was so much more than a mere brawl between two prideful women. It was a test to see which universe would come out on top, Marvel or Capcom.

Because there definitely wasn't enough fanservice already to satisfy the mostly teen audience, She-Hulk walked out in a two-piece blue swimsuit, ball in hand. Money (and plenty of it) was the only reason she'd put herself in such a situation. Ignoring the wolf-whistles, she began the count.

"Three! Two! One!"

She-Hulk threw the ball high into the air. Lady D's height lent itself well to this type of sport and she slammed the ball down with her fists, claws retracted. Lady Deathstrike jumped up and parried, sending the ball back over as she landed into the sand. Her agility lent itself well to not just this type of sport, but any sport in general. In a twist shocking to her fans, Lady D's height turned out to be a crutch as Lady Deathstrike had purposefully hit the ball at an angle and speed to where she'd have a hard time bending down fast enough to block. Although that didn't stop her from trying, collapsing into the sand in a manner that was uncharacteristically lacking in grace. Multiple times. It soon became clear who would win this round; Bela, Daniela and Cassandra, three girls who'd come to see Alcina as their mother, hissed at the outcome.
Lady Deathstrike 1, Lady Dimitrescu 0. Although with the lion's share of the camera footage on Lady D lying face down in a bikini, who won really?

Following that was basketball. Being over nine feet tall, Lady D clearly had a great advantage and dominated through the entire game, which admittedly was not very long. Lady Deathstrike felt as if she had brought great shame to the late Lord Dark Wind, her father. Not only did she lose 3-0, but she did not hold the ball a single time. Once, she had come close, but that scantily clad skank simply snatched it away and held it out of her reach and held it up, looking down at her mockingly as if she were but a child! As the crowd cheered Lady D on, blissfully unaware she would lead them to an untimely end, Lady Deathstrike made sure the basketball deflated on her claws upon its descent from the hoop. She could only imagine the embarrassment on the faces of Pierce and his gang of Australian cyborgs, too ashamed to look at them for confirmation.
Lady Deathstrike 1, Lady Dimitrescu 1.

"And now!" boomed The Watcher, "What you have all been waiting for. Whoever wins this final round will take home the trophy!"
A raucous and enthusiastic crowd fell silent, spectators from both universes biting their nails in anticipation. It all came down to this.

Upon the commentator's "go", Lady D charged towards her opponent with somewhat refined savagery, her claws making jagged impressions on Lady Deathstrike's chest. A wicked grin fell upon her face, wounds healing in no time thanks to her healing factor. As her opponent continued with a non-stop barrage of swift claw strikes in a downward arc, she exhausted little energy breezing past and fielding them away with her own set of deadly nails. She had a lust for blood. She desired to, and had many opportunities to send her claws right through Lady D's head, coming out through the other side of her life; yet, some part of her recognised that this fight was for entertainment (and fanservice). With that in mind, she would suffer Lady D a fate arguably worse than gory death. Effortlessly batting off another increasingly desperate attack, Deathstrike's claws moved blindingly fast atop Lady D's head.

Alcina gasped, as did the crowd. She patted her scalp which confirmed what she knew already due to clumps of black hair on the floor. "You...you've made me bald! You've ruined me!"
"What's the matter?" Deathstrike looked at her barren scalp cruelly. "I think it is a good look for you."
"You BITCH! You shall learn what it means to insult House Dimitrescu!"
Lady D could care less about the scoreboard being updated in Deathstrike's favour and snickering at her hair or lack thereof. She was far too busy chasing Deathstrike off into the sunset - and if she had to, she would keep chasing her to the ends of the earth.

NEXT: Rikuo from the Darkstalkers series and Marvel's first mutant Namor team up!

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