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EVERYONE felt like they had their own ways to go- so they did, seprating in small groups.

Andy and Vera ended up heading in the same direction, Andy struggled to make conversation as the two took the winding path up the mountain.

"Stop-" Vera put her hand out, taking the wrapped smoke that was behind her ear, heading off the trail to a little creek, Andy followed, hopping over the rocks. "Fuck, forgot a light,"

Andy took a match, striking it against a rock, holding it out, Vera leaned forward with the smoke between her lips, letting Andy light it.

She leaned back, listening to the water, it calmed her. "Gods...can't believe it,"

"I can, I always knew you were to pretty to be human," Andy blinked. "I mean- well- I didn't say- not in a-"

"Andy, it's okay," Vera laughed. "You think I'm pretty, thanks, I think you're hot," She leaned against his leg, slowly he moved a hand to the top of her head.

A step forward for the two.

Aulak came out of the trail, putting his hair up in a bun and sighing, he was loss, he needed a drink.

He heard a stick break, tilting his head to see who was approaching, he grinned, pointing. "Cyril!"

"You're following me, I'm pressing charges," They said firmly, contuining to walk, taking a drink from a flask.

"Is that alcohol?"

"Maybe," Aulak took the flask, taking a big gulp, Cyril rose an eyebrow, "Can I have that back?"

"Sure," Aulak handed it back. "Man, I'm glad you showed up, I was lost,"

"That's because you slept instead of learning about the enviroment you would be in," Cyril contuined to walk, Aulak following them.

"Then it's a good thing you're so smart," Aulak snickered.

"You keep complimenting my brain, usually people care more for my looks," Cyril hummed.

"Hell, I think everyones hot, the smart ones are special though," Aulak winked.

Adely, Onyx, Jubilee, and Auschlus were all walking together. Talkint softly about how weird this all was.

Then, Onyx tripped, a pained sound leaving as her hands scraped the ground, Adely quickly pulled out some bandaids and cream, taking Onyxs hands and helping her. "You okay?" Adely asked softly.

Onyx looked at them, nodding as she smiled softly. "Thanks, Adely," They nodded, helping her up.

"Be careful," They nudged Jubilee as sol laughed at them.

"C-r-u-s-h," Jubilee spelled out, teasing his twin, before they shoved him backwards, he tripped slightly into Lus' arms, smiling awkwardly.  "Sorry, Lus,"

"No big deal, you okay?" Jubilee nodded, looking up, they were sweet, he kinda liked them, in a friend way.

"Soo, what's it like being the Queen of the gods?" Billy teased.

"Oh, I guess that would be my role, huh?" Lumi blinked, she still hadn't quite comprehended being Zeus' choice.  Billy nodded, laughing softly.

"I hope you're not as bad as Zeus sounds in the myths- or stories I guess," Billy hummed, looking at Lumi, she was pretty and kind, she wouldn't be bad, no, she would be a good leader. "We're counting on ya,"

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