The Bully

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Sorry this chapter is late! It was my birthday(7/30) and it was really good!! =D

holly cow!! I'm 22! *I'm feelin 22* haha!

Anyways! Enjoy the chapter! :)

(Abby pov)

"You cant get me Abby!" Toby yelled to me. Grace, Toby, Emily, Bobby, Larry and i are playing tag and I'm it!

I saw bobby so I ran and tagged him! "Your it Bobby!" I ran away giggling til I hit someone and fell on my buttom.

I looked up and it was a boy I think his name is Rick, he known as a bully, he is in 3rd grade.(her school goes from kindergarten to fifth grade incase you forgot)

I stood up Rick said "Well well well look who it is, a pee wee" I was scared this kid mean "I'm not a pee wee, I'm a little girl" I corrected him.
"I dont care, your a stupid little girl" then he pushed me down on the sidewalk and I looked at my hands and leg and they was bleeding.

As my friends ran over to me, I started crying for my daddy.

(Dustin pov)

I'm working as a cashier today, which i love/hate cause some people are rude some are sweet and some won't shut up.

Abby gets out of kindergarden in a few hours when i get off. Luckly they let me keep my phone on so if Abby needs me i can answer. Speaking of my my phone its ringing.

(Phone call)(N-nurse)

D- hello?

N- hi is this Mr. Martin?

D- yes it is. Who is this?

N- I'm nurse Angie. I work at the school. I have your daughter Abigail here.

D- Oh my god! What happened to my daughter? Is she okay? Is she hurt?

*my manager noticed me freaking out and mouthed 'go its fine'*

N- she got pushed by a bully from what I have been told. You can come pick her up then the principal wants to speak to you

D- okay I'm on my way

*hangs up*

Oh my god! Who the hell pushed my daughter!?!? I'm so mad but i need to calm down before I get there. I ran jumped in my car and flew to Abby's school. I parked and ran inside.

I went to the office and saw an older lady "hi honey can I help you?" "Hi I'm here for my daughter Abigail Martin?" "Oh yeah, she is in the nurse office just down the hall to the left" I nodded

I ran down the hall to the nurse, walked in and saw my baby sitting in a chair with scraps on her arms and knees, the nurse was putting medicine and bandages on them when as I walked.

"Hi baby" I went over and bent down to her level. She looked in my eyes, started crying and jumped in my arms "its okay baby, your okay daddy's here your safe"

I held her close and sat in the chair. She cried her eyes out "I-I-I w-was p-p-pushed D-Daddy a-and got booboos" I kissed her forehead "I know baby"

I rubbed her back as she continued to cry her eyes out, a man walked in I think he is the principal. "Hi are you Abigail's father?" "Yeah I am" he nodded "okay please follow me"

I followed him to his office the door said 'Principal Mark Smith' we went in and i saw a man and woman with a little boy. "Mr and Mrs, Connor, Rick this is Mr. Martin Abigail's father"

Mr. Conner spoke up as I sat down. "We are so sorry Mr. Martin, Rick as never gone this before" I just nodded not trusting what I would say.

Mr. Smith spoke up now "Mr. Conner from what I understand your son as bullied a lot of students here. I won't take bullies in my school"

"I didn't know he was bullied anyone, no one told us this was happening" Mrs. Conner defended. Abby had her head on my chest crying softly.

"Listen I dont give a crap! If you weren't told your sons a bully, I only care for the fact that he pushed my daughter! The fact that she has cuts on her body that she didn't deserve! So I dont care about what happens to him! I care about my daughter! You would feel the same way if you where in my shoes but your not"

I was so mad I just had to let it out, Mr. Smith just looked at me with a proud smile. While Ricks parents had there mouths hanging open.

After my speech we all keep talking. Ricks parents made more excuses saying the same crap as before. 'We didn't know''he is really a good kid' yeah yeah whatever.

"Okay with everything i have heard, Rick your suspended from this school. I will not take bullying in my school"

Ricks parents nodded and took Rick and left.

" I'm so sorry Abby. Mr. Martin you can take her home if you wish" "I think I will, thank you"

I signed Abby out and text Tony and told him what happened, he said I should come over so he could see Abby.

(At Tony's house)

"So he just pushed her? For no reason!" Tony said angry "yeah he gave no reason for pushing her, but at least he is suspended and away from my baby" Abby fell asleep on Tony's lap while he was holding her.

I can't believe someone would hurt my baby like that! I would take her out but thank God that boy won't be around her anymore.

What you think? Broke my heart to write it :( poor Abby!

I wrote it because I was bullied and no one deserves to be bullied.

Speak up!

End bullying for good!!

Keep reading!

Love to all!


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