Happy Easter

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Hi my lovely readers! Happy Easter!! I hope all of you are having a fabulous Easter!!
Love to all!

It the Friday before Easter and spring break. I'm so ready for a week out of school!

"Okay class, I know that spring break is about to begin" Mr. Davis said. He is my History teacher also my favorite teacher. "But I do have one assignment for you over spring break"

the whole class booed "dont boo me, this will be a fun assignment depending on how you look at it. The assignment is to write and have a picture of a person that gives you the power to be yourself weather it be a best friend, coworker, mom, dad, grandma. Doesn't matter"

That seems like something fun to do, now who should u write about? then the bell rang and now its spring break!

I got to my locker to put my stuff up, as soon as I open it I see Abby I have pictures of her on my locker door. Some people pass an ask if that's my sister and ill say "no that's my daughter Abby" then they smile and walk away.

That's when it hit me. I can write about Abby! I think that's a great idea,I closed my locker door and Louis is standing there.

"Jesus Louis! You scared me" putting my hand on my heart. "Sorry Dustin I was wanting to see if you wanted to hang out this week?"

"Yeah probably, mom can watch Abby unless you want Abby to be there?" He nodded "why would I want my goddaughter there?! That would be stupid! Of course I do!"

"Hahaha okay I'll bring her Mr. Smartass just let me know what day" "okay Mr. Daddy will do" then he walked away trying to act cool.

(2 days later)

Easter Day!

I finished my history paper last night I wrote it about Abby, how she changed me and everything. We did hang out with Louis on Saturday cause he was bored and so was I.

He told me he got a new girlfriend named Brooke, who lives in another town but is moving here. now I'm the only single one...out of my friends. which I'm fine with but I know I'll find my dream girl someday.

Right now I'm getting ready for church. Which is a process trying to pick something to wear...god I sound like a girl.

"Come on Dustin its almost time to go!" My mom yelled down the stairs. "Okay mom I'll be there in a minute I have to get Abby dressed" "okay hon just hurry"

I rolled my eyes, we have to leave for church in a few minutes and its also Easter which makes things more crazy.

I'm wearing a gray suit with a purple shirt that will match Abby's dress mom got her. (Seen in picture above)

I'm all done I think I look good if i say so myself, Now to get my baby dressed.

I walked to Abby's room, she is sitting up in her crib looking around holding a tebby bear.

She sees me and smiles "Dada!" I smiled "hi baby, lets get you dressed" she smiled and put her arms in the air to be picked up.

I picked her up and put her on the changing table, i took her PJs off her changed her diaper and put her in her purple dress and purple shoes, she looks adorable.

I picked her up and took her downstairs so mom could see her. "Hi Nana" "hi sweetie dont you look cute" Abby giggled and started playing with my tie.

We decided to gave Abby her Easter basket well its more like a easter cart, mom and I got her a small grocery cart and filled it with little toys and a couple outfits (also seen above)

Abby's eyes went wide when she saw it. We also figured the cart would help her with her walking.

We all got in my car and headed to church, Cane goes to church with us so he will get to see Abby all dressed up.

(Skip church)

Moms talking to some people and Cane is hanging with Abby and I by my car. Cane is holding Abby and she is half asleep, she is trying her best to stay awake but it didnt work she laid her head on Cane's shoulder an fell asleep.

"So what are you doing the rest of the day?" I asked "um..idk I might go see Trish" I nodded "sounds fun" he handed Abby back to me careful not to wake her up said goodbye an left to see his girlfriend.

We finally got home i changed mine and Abby's clothes once she finished her nap and brought her to the living room and she went right for her cart walking with it, I guess we were right it does help.

Mom was finishing dinner she made chicken, potatoes, corn, peas, Mac and cheese and rolls. (Sounds so good right now =D)

By the end of the day, Abby was completely in love with her cart she is walking a lot better now that she has it.

You may have noticed Abby didn't go Easter egg hunting. We decided not to take her egg hunting til she gets old enough to understand easter egg hunting. All in all today was a great day.

Happy Easter everyone!!
Keep reading!!
Love to all!

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