chapter 3

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No one's PoV

They went at it for half an hour and this is the seventh rematch because Caius' manly ego didn't all him to get defeated- by a woman at that. This only made the others watch more closely trying to see her fighting skills and any faults. Hades and Zagan grew bored over some time, mostly because they had seen that their mother wasn't even trying and if she were Caius would be pieces by now. Caius looked at her in the eyes and he just felt a click like his gears have shifted and he wasn't in control of his actions anymore. Jez honestly didn't want to try fighting him too with all her strength. She knew if she did she would obviously kill him and that would kill her, although she'd just go back to hell and raise after 3 years.

That was until Caius' fighting technic changed big time. He started fighting her in a new way and in 5 minutes he had her pinned and everyone's mouths were sweeping the floor even the twins. Jez was dazed for a second and she tried remembering were she had seen that technic because it felt familiar to her. She closed her eyes and saw Cain's face, that's it that's where she saw the fighting style. She opened her eyes and thought she still had her eyes closed because she was seeing Cain's face on Caius' face. She shook her head and Caius just dropped to the floor, seemingly unconscious, which is impossible, since he is a vampire. Zagan walked towards Caius and nudges him with his foot, only for Caius to shoot up again. 'TAF' is what Zagan thought.

Jez stood and walked out knowing everyone else would follow. She was just trying to avoid what just happened. She walk to the throne room and stood in the middle of the room as everyone else sat or stood around the room. Jez looked around her eye sight changing and seeing the lies and deception in the room and smirked. She blinked quickly. She look at Hades and nodded her head to the door silently telling him to bring in all other persons that weren't in the room. Caius sat in his throne with the chains on wrist and she shook her head and looked at the chains. Basically she made the chains indestructible as requested. There were some murmurs going around although she didn't focus on it, instead she look at Zagan and smirked again sending some thick vines his direction only for Zagan to freeze them. He gave her the really look. Hades walked back in with a woman trailing behind him. Aro stood and sped to his wife Sulpicia. Only to be stopped by some force. The guards were on high alert, especially Jane, she had always had a thing for Aro. Aro looked around and tried walking forward but nothing.

" Stop trying. It's no use." Jez said with a bored tone. She looked a Marcus this time. And felt very guilty. " So, I just looked around and found some disturbing news to those who see it as such. So when I looked around I saw that this place is just full of lies and deception. Now originally I came here to get a guard and my stuff. But I found my mate and it's nice I guess and managed to get knocked out for the first time in 5 millennials. I feel very guilty because I have something that belongs to Marcus. Look Marcus, I have Didyme and I'm sorry for keeping her so long. You see the thing is when a supernatural dies their soul visits me before it enters hell and Didyme was just too kind and loving so I decided to give her life again. I will make sure she comes back to you. I promise. I also found out that y'all keep my mate on a chain and that is not okay at all. I get that he's blood thirsty and all that but that doesn't give you the right to chain him up. Anyway thats not all, there is another mated couple in here and it's not Aro and Sulpicia or Chelsea and Afton or other people. Somebody in this room has been lying about their power or gift as you call it. Someone in here is making the other believe they are mated and keeping him away from their actual mate. Now Imma give that person 20 seconds to reveal them self on their own or I'm doing it." Jez spoke and waited for Sulpicia to speak.

She walked over to Caius and took out the dagger in her fighting gear and motioned her sons to come closer, she slit her palm and they did the same thing. They squeezed our palms over the chains knowing it will break the spell on it. The chains turned black before turning into dust. Jez looked up at Caius who in that moment was trying very hard to stay in his position and not kiss her right then and there. He disregarded her injured hand. He smirked at her, he knew she was waiting for him to say atleast a thank you. But instead he just crossed his arms and looked over her head since she was shorter. Jez just huffed and walked away leaving the twins both amused and confused.

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