15 | blinking lights

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Lisa peeked around the bedroom door, eyeing the hallway and dining she could see at the far end of it

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Lisa peeked around the bedroom door, eyeing the hallway and dining she could see at the far end of it. Trying to gauge where the newly uncovered ghost could be; if they were in front of her or not. She glanced to her arm hairs and noticed the lack of movement, slowly pushing past the door and tiptoeing down the hall.

She had to trust that her body felt relaxed enough in the space, that it was safe, for now.

She reached the end of the hall, where she had previously overheard her grandmother, and looked to the living room. Noticing the blinds were still up, and that the sun was already shining brightly into the room.

Lisa only took a few steps out before she could feel it. Her hairs tingling as her eyes began searching on their own. Trying to find the source, only to keep being drawn back to the window. Unless...

Were they at the window?

Roseanne could hear the light foot steps, before seeing the reflection of frizzy blonde approaching. She smiled as she watched Lisa glance her way repeatedly from the windowpane.

"Morning sleeping beauty." She greeted quietly. "Slept well?"

Lisa came to a stop ahead of the window and held her breath. Smoothing down her raised hairs as she tried to focus her attention on the view, and not on the cool patch of air beside her.

Mental note, ghosts are cold.

But does she acknowledge them? Does she say something, like she had last night? And speaking of last night, she never felt their presence since talking to them. To the best of her understanding, she was left alone.

So this ghost must respect boundaries then...


"Uh... good morning." She mumbled, swallowing her uneasiness.

"Morning." Roseanne replied softly. Smile widening as she looked to Lisa and studied her tired eyes. "You were restless last night, weren't you?"

There was no response as The Thai looked out the window and shifted on her feet, not that it bothered Roseanne. She was too elated to finally be acknowledged to care for responses.

"I- um..." Lisa scratched the back of her neck with her hand. Mouth opening and closing several times.

"It's okay." She assured her. "I wouldn't know what to say either... to a ghost."

Lisa simply nodded to herself and backtracked. Finding her way into the kitchen, where she yawned and reached for the fridge. Only to find herself freezing up at the touch of the handle. Her body tensing at the memory of the door slamming in her face and lights flickering like crazy.

She exhaled air quietly and withdrew her hand.

Roseanne frowned as she approached from behind Lisa and witnessed her pause. She knew exactly why she did, and wished she hadn't, but then again... Roseanne did scare her, pretty badly.

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