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Group chat

Simon: yo who is going to the YouTube event in London tonight ??

Josh: i am ✔️ with Freya

Tobi: me too

I am not going but mads is
I think you already know that

Simon: yes she told me but I am going also with Talia
Anyone else ?

Harry: nah i am not going mate

Jj: you know that I ain't

Vik: me neither

Simon: well ok then...
You can figure out what sidemen Sunday we should film next 😏

Harry: oh Great ...

This is going to take some time lad

Vik: especially when Jj is not going to be any help

Jj: ay yo what you mean???? 🤬

Tobi: Jj you're always sleeping it doesn't matter if we film or not haha

Jj: that's not true... I can be a great help I'll show you

Simon: well now I'm mad that I can't be there to see it 😂😂😂

Private chat

You sure you don't want to go tonight ??🥺

Ethan: yeah I really am not in the mood for tons of people ... but I love you tho ❤️

It's ok 😌
I love you too ❤️
We gotta spend more time together

Ethan: oh we will I promise
I already am planning something 🤩

You wanna tell me what that is ??🥺

Ethan: not yet but soon...

It better not be a surprise again 🧐

Ethan: no it won't I'll tell you soon enough ✋🏼
Now go and have fun tonight but not too much 😕

I won't haha
It's not possible without you

Ethan: ❤️ #jackpot

Group chat

Ariana: hey girl 🔥have fun tonight 🍸

Leslie: omg I totally forgot about that

Thanks girls ❤️
We have to do something next week

Leslie: yesss 🔥

Ariana: the trio gotta come back haha

Omg yesss
We gotta make some noise in the streets again 🎶

Ariana: yesssss absolutely

Leslie: we haven't done that in a long time 🧐

I think everyone is happy about that hahaha

Leslie: same 😂

Madly in love - Behzinga (Instagram)Where stories live. Discover now